WIP Wednesday: Wonky-Starquilt

A new little, big wonder has moved into my home: A Janome Horizont MC 8200 QC sewing maschine. Still without a real name, but that won’t last. For our first date I have picked up a very old WIP from a class in 2010. A churchwindow – wonky-star quilt.

Picture of the class model
WIP Wednesday: Wonky Starquilt |mell-meyer.de
My own blocks
WIP Wednesday: Wonky Starquilt |mell-meyer.de

But two questions still remain: Whilst cutting the blocks to a square, three had to be eliminated. So I have those “holes”. I am considering to fill them with a smaller wonky star block, as sketched. Do these blocks fit in? And I am still unsure about the opitimal size. Without the border – which I would prefer – the quilt would measure 28 x 42 inches. As I want to sell the quilt on DaWanda cause I prefer different colors at the moment. So maybe a new baby or a toddler would enjoy it.Is that enought? Or too small? Should I make more blocks or add a small border like the utmost one of the model?

Always those questions – do you have the same problem with deciding these “small” things as well?


  1. Hi, I love those stars and think the smaller stars would look great mixed in with the larger ones. I think size wise, it might be ok, if selling as a toddler/baby quilt. I hope you decide on all your little queries. I also love that you take the time to translate your blog for people! My husband is German so I’m always trying to improve my German language skills, must pop back and read your blog some more! Lou

  2. There’s always at least one point in a quilt where I have to get a consult from my quilting friends – either in person or on the internet! I think 28 by 42 would be a lovely size for a toddler play quilt. And what toddler wouldn’t want to play on that one? :)

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