Progress Q3 and Proposed List of Finishes Q4

I think this quarter has been really great and really productive as well. Though you would not think so because of the lack of blog posts and finishes. But I have been working a lot on my projects and some are really close to the finish line – so expect some blog posts soon – and some are a good step further along the way.


Aviatrix Medallion |

If you have been following me for a bit, you know that this quilt has been in the making for quite a while. I am really happy and proud that it is now finally finished. Read more about it here. This is my one and only official finish for this quarter.

Raffle Quilt:

I have another finish which was not on my list: A raffle quilt. Tickets are available till the 23rd of October. Proceeds will help the disabled daugther of a friend from my gospel choir.

No. 1 – Patterntesting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt

sting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt |
I have started to test the pattern #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt for Allison @ Campbell Soup Diary. I am due on the 12th of October so this should be a definite finish for Q4 :)
Priority: Really High!

No. 2 – Speedsign Quilt:

Speedsign Quilt |
This quilt is relatively new. I started it at the end of Q2 and it was new on the list for the Q3. It’s going to be for the baby of a dear friend (again). The picture we picked for the layout idea, is the reason for the strange working title :) See the inspiration here and here.

I have descided on using the solid pure elments fabric by Art Gallery I had on hand. The piecing is done. The quilting in progress. So hopefully it will be done soon. Actually it was supposed to be finished already and the baby boy is here to recieve his gift since 1st of October… but this is a real #murphyquilt. I think everything that could go wrong did and I am still fixing “problems” and hoping with all my heart that it will turn out fine in the end.
Priority: Really High!

No. 3 – Technocolorgalaxy (Skill Builder BOM)

Proposed List of Finishes "Technocolorgalaxy (Skill Builder BOM)" |

Since Q2 we do have all the tutorials, so I could finish it – ähh catch up. I would actually love to work on this one, too. But in reality it is often just too much. Unfortunately still no progress, allthough it has been out of its box sometimes. I am hoping to get it done this year and finish this second really big WIP (after Aviatrix) as well.
Priority: High.

No. 4 – Bee Blocks

For motivational purposes and to keep track of priorities, I am keeping my bee blocks on this list, although they do not qualify for an official “Finish!” later :)

2016 Q4: My blocks for September/ October for Yara @ Qvilted are still due. And I think we refilled November/ December with blocks for Vicky @ Veni Vidi Vicky. So I have some work to do here :)

No. 5 – Alison Glass – Ocean Waves Quilt

Proposed List of Finishes "AG Ocean Waves" |

I started this quilt in Q2 2016. It’s my reason for ordering more of the lovely Alison Glass fabrics :) All the HSTs for both colorways are finished and trimmed. And they have been sorted into sets for the blocks. I just have to mix those up again as I ordered yet some more AG fabric and want it in there as well. #cough

17 of the 48 blocks are finished so far.
Priority: Medium.

I am considering having it longarm quilted with a computerized pantograph. I really love the work crinklelove does but shipping to and back from the US sounds daunting. Does anyone know a longarmer spezializing in computerized pantographs here in the EU?

No. 6 – Wanta Fanta Quilt

Proposed List of Finishes "Wanta Fanta" |
Originally I wanted to finish this quilt mainly through the bee blocks I recieved. I have now used most of my bee blocks for the raffle quilt so I will have to finish quite some more blocks to come even near a quilt top size :)
Priority: Medium.

Nine Charity Quilts

I still have this crazy idea to finish this year with 12 charity quilts. As I don’t know any German (Hamburg) quilters who would love to help with this idea, I think giving “just” two or three mini baby quilts a year is not that much help. Don’t gasp too loud – they are for a neonatal station and “only” about 32 inches square. Ok, it’s still quite some work…

Just two are done so far: Round No. 2 and From Outside In. And I count my raffle quilt as one, too, even if it’s not for the neonatal station.

So send me some motivation or a certificate for the most crazy quilter – I still need to sew nine if I want to cross the idea out of my mind. Reconsidering for next year is definitely on the list – but first I want to get it done this one year. Let’s see how it works out – or not – how far off I will be at the end of the year.

I started a new board to pin some ideas to. I am especially fond of these one, two, three ideas. And I have at least two projects in the works that could be used for this idea:

Proposed List of Finishes "Modern Four Patch" |

Modern Four Patch
Supposed to become something different, I have now decided to change this unwanted project into a baby or toddler quilt. Changed my mind from disappearing four patch to a modern four patch like this idea. I didn’t like the proportions whilst simulation a disappearing four patch. Started the cutting for the smaller four patches. At the moment without an individual in mind – maybe to be a charity quilt. At the moment I have a lot of four patch blocks in kona cotton solids.

Proposed List of Finishes "Pinkish HSTs" |

Pinkish HSTs
This is a stack of different sized HSTs some only sewn, some already trimmed, some even put into blocks. Inspiration was this Pinterest picture from Rachel @ Snippets of Sweetness. I have no real plan here, if I ever had one I lost that paper :) Unusual for me but it’s a fun project to do some sewing on inbetween.

Linking up at Finish Along 2016 @ She Can Quilt.


  1. This is a lovely list! And I wish you luck on your donation quilts. I’ve been thinking about trying to finish one for a neonatal unit near me–we’ll see if I can manage it!

  2. Pingback: Milas’ Quilt aka the #murphyquilt

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