Progress on “Pink Stars”

Progress: "Pink Stars" |

Here are some pictures of my progress on the no. 1 of my FAL list. The priority for the “Pink Stars” quilt is high as the deadline has already expired. But I am happy to report that according to my quilty goals for this year I worked on whichever project I felt like. I picked the fabrics about two weeks ago but then go distracted by yet another project :) No photos for that yet, maybe next week…

As I currently have some vacation days, I managed more sewing than usual.

Progress: "Pink Stars" |

Trimming tiny HSTs and playing a bit with layout. Might it be the flying geese? No, this time not. It’s stars of course!

Progress: "Pink Stars" |

Progress: "Pink Stars" |

All eight are done, so now I can start on the pink outer stars. Having fun with the happy colors!

Progress: "Pink Stars" |
Progress: "Pink Stars" |

What are you currently enjoying the most?

Best wishes
xo Melanie

This Week in an Overview

 Finished Projects (0)

 New Projects (1)

 Refound UFOs (0)

 Projects In Progress (~11)

Linking up at
Let’s Bee Social #166 @ Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. Hey,

    Durch Zufall auf deinem Blog gelandet. Hoffe auf die schnelle ist auch eine Antwort auf Deutsch okay?
    Die Sterne gefallen mir gut. Besonders das senfige Gelb. Bin gespannt auf das fertige Top.

    Lg Judith

  2. Wow! That is a lots of HST’s. I do love your chosen hues of the blue, yellow, and pink. The variety in your cream background is delightful.

  3. Oh, I love these!! The fabrics you chose are absolutely delicious! I’ve been on a half square triangle tear recently (inspired by my MQG challenge)… and now I want to go explore my stash after seeing these. :) (I’m hoping to respond to your email this weekend. Crazy few weeks here.)

  4. Pingback: Progress Q1 and Proposed List of Finishes Q2

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