Noah’s Quilt – Which Way to the Stars?

Noah's Quilt "Which Way to the Stars" |

No. 5 of my FAL list is finished! #yeah

My nephew Noah has “finally” received his baby quilt. He was born on the 29th of June – about two weeks early – so depending on definition I am about two weeks to a month late. But with my track record and middle name last-minute that is still pretty good.

Noah's Quilt "Which Way to the Stars" |

I loved working on that quilt. We have done the pattern before for a bee member and used a paper piecing template. This time I made the geese with the bloc loc ruler and I enjoyed it way more. The points are almost perfect and not having to pull all that paper out?! Bonus points there.

The fabric for the front of the quilt shows a lot of novelty prints or you may call them I spy fabrics: Boats, pirate skulls, scooters, fish… For the back of the quilt my sister picked a star print. So this time the quilt named itself :)

Noah's Quilt "Which Way to the Stars" |

If you want to see more pictures of the progress, you can find the blog post here.

Because of the quilt’s name I took the pictures at the Hamburg observatory (“Planetarium”). It is located in the city park: Gardens, flowers and lovely walkways… It’s an older building with lovely details and was recently renovated.

Noah's Quilt "Which Way to the Stars" |

Noah's Quilt "Which Way to the Stars" |

Noah's Quilt "Which Way to the Stars" |

Noah's Quilt "Which Way to the Stars" |

Even though the weather was not really complying with the photo shoot, I really enjoyed the quilt name related setting … and being able to show you more of the lovely Hamburg :)

Have you done a pattern twice but with different techniques? Which did you prefer and why?

Best wishes
xo Melanie


  1. Oh what a beautiful quilt! Interesting that bloc loc ruler, I can remember working on the paper pieced blocks for Magda’s quilt, so I’m intrigued now with this ruler! You have to show me how that works! Love the photo location too! All in all very beautiful! I’m sure this quilt will be very much loved!

  2. Pingback: Progress Q3 and Proposed List of Finishes Q4

  3. This will be a fun “I spy” quilt for Noah when he gets a little bit older. Really nice range of blues. I like it because it is not so baby-like and he can drag it around with him for years to come. Great pics, by the way, and it’s nice to see a familiar spot.

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