Sew Together Bag for Myself

Sew Together Bag for Myself |

No. 8 of my Finish Along List for Q4 is finished! #secondFinish

As already mentioned with my first and second Sew Together Bag, I started them in April/May 2017 as a pack of three. Of course that didn’t come out as intended and time flew away. But I am really happy that I finally managed to finish this last one :)

Sew Together Bag for Myself |

The outside is the same as No. 1 and the inside partly like No. 2. It uses the fabric I design especially for that bag. It states German proverbs that are directly translated into English (read the post for No. 2 to know why) And the pocket linings are Alison Glass fabrics. She is my favorite designer, so I had to use some of her fabrics… The outside fabrics are also by her?!? How come?

Sew Together Bag for Myself |

A lot of people are afraid of zippers. On clothing they are probably way more complicated but installing the ones on the Sew Together Bags is easy. My greatest struggle with these bags is always the binding. The layers are so thick there, that my machine starts having problems like either not moving or jumping stitches.

Though I recently learned that switching to the walking foot might help. So if I ever tackle another one, this is what I will try.

Sew Together Bag for Myself |

But this time I tried hand binding. For the first time. And I really dislike using a hand sewing needle… I watched a few You Tube tutorials and pictures from one of our self-proclaimed hand binder aka Susan. Thanks for the help!

It actually went better than expected and also looked well.

And then it took me months to get to that final step of sewing the zipper tabs and those on the bag. I have really no idea why I procrastinated that long. I think it took me an hour today to finish it. But many month of fretting the ever growing WIP list. How crazy the brain sometimes is :)

Now I will go into the sewing room and clean up my notions thanks to this new organizing tool. Hope you all had a great, productive and fun weekend!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 Finished Projects (2)
 Sew Together Bag

 New Projects (0)

 Refound UFOs (1)
 Pink HST Quilt

 On the FAL list (12)

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant @ From Bolt to Beauty
Q4 2018 Link Up @ She Can Quilt


  1. I have a love-hate relationship with the Sew Together pattern. I love that I’ve made many ST bags, and I hate the idea of making another! It’s always the zippers that scare me off, but you’re right: It’s the binding that’s the real challenge.

    I’m glad you finished yours! It’s so pretty in that rainbow-y array of Alison Glass fabrics. And that lining fabric you had printed at Spoonflower … hysterical!!

  2. I’m dying to make this bag… but it seems so completely overwhelming to me! I will tuck away that tip about using a walking foot though! I also might try the hand-binding…

    And isn’t it funny how our minds can make mountains out of what turn out to be ant hills?!?! Right there with you on that one!!!

  3. Oh Mell, I love my sew-together bag. I think of you every time I see it. The text is funny and the bugs are a bit of a surprise but it is the bright colors that are the star. I have not attempted it yet but you may have convinced me to get the pattern. May be in 2019, I will make one, thanks to you.
    Also, you take the best pictures!!! May I hire you to be my quilt photographer?

  4. It seems everybody has made this bag now except me. Yours is really beautiful with the Allison Glass fabrics. I understand the habit of letting things sit idle for months before tackling the next step as I often do it to, and no I don’t know why. As usual I am in love with your photos. Perhaps you could write a tutorial on tips for great photography!

  5. Nice bag! I think zippers get easier with practice, the trick is getting through the practice happily.

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