Best of 2018 – Planning for 2019

It appears everyone is looking back at 2018 and/ or planning for 2019. Though I have not participated last year and therefore have no results to compare, it seemed fun to review the last year and start making plans.

At first, I wanted to wait and see how many more projects I could finish in 2018. But I am trying to learn that there is always change on ones to-do list. It is ever growing, mostly not getting smaller and nonetheless items get ticked off. So even if I do finish a few more quilts in 2018?!



This is how 2018 was so far. When you are on Instagram, you cannot “escape” all the #bestnine collages. So I decided to start there, too. My first collage had multiple duplicated on it, so I used a trick I found here on IG in the comments to “delete” those.

These nine projects (!) are the ones you – my readers/followers – liked the most. Five of those have their own blog post and that fits the Best of 2018 concept :)

Ghost Quilt |
Ghost Quilt
Oakshot Pillows |
Oakshot Pillows
Plusquilt |
Rubber Duckies I |
Rubber Duckies I
I also want to add the one project I love so much, which has somehow not made the cut…
… and the much liked picture of my Christmas market booth.
"Ocean Waves" |
Ocean Waves
2018 Christmas Market |
Christmas Market Booth

17,608 likes on 136 posts
(2017: 5,865 likes on 79 posts)

I want to say, I am so grateful and happy for all my lovely followers. Thank you for all your likes and comments; for your support and the sometimes needed kicks :)

2018 was great sewing year. I finished eight projects already! #wow And I am so happy about my more regular Instagram posting thanks to the #30minssewingdaily challenge. I love the feedback and support on IG, the general positive attitude and vibe.

I have almost tripled my likes #what?! and gained a “few” new followers to the number of over 1,000 IG friends! Yes, the giveaway is long overdue – let’s put that in the 2019 goals, ok?


Goal Setting

Don’t get me wrong, I am excited to make goals for the new year. But I also know, that you can change on any day of the year, month or week. So I rather see it as a yearlong endeavor to make new habits and change things you dislike. I am trying to remind myself that one slip up – on the 3rd of Jan? – is not a failure but rather life.

My sewing goals for 2019

  • Do the 1,000+ follower aka Instagram friends giveaway.
  • Continue the #30minssewingdaily challenge and maybe restart the giveaways at the end of the months.
  • Further reduce the number of WIPs. I would love to reduce the count to something between 3-6.

The more crazy goals for 2019

  • Ask to participate in the “What Shade Are You” blog hop.
  • Write a (small) tutorial or pattern.
  • Learn designing repeat patterns to draw a fabric collection – just for fun.

The personal growth goals for 2019

  • Find more balance in life. I tend to be either super productive like 150% but then crash and stay at 15% for days. Let’s reduce those fluctuations.
  • Continue my #debtfreejourney. If you want to follow and cheer me on, I use a separate IG account for that called mellmeyer_debtfree
  • Raffle or sell one or more quilt(s) to help with the goal above.
  • Reading more once again. I read way more as a juvenile or jung adult. Fiction or non-fiction, both fine with me – just more than just my favorite author and repeats :)
  • And I would love to lose some (≈20kg) weight.

Excited to see what 2019 brings. Hope you all have a wonderful New Year! If you want to be a motivational buddy, please leave the hint in the comments :)

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
Best of 2018 @ Meadow Mist Designs
2019 Planning Party @ Quilting Jetgirl


  1. I think you did great on 2018!! Lots of finishes in there… I specially like the “booth” picture, there are lots of hours invested in there :-)

    The #30minssewingdaily challenge was of great help to get some projects done. For me it has become an habit to (try to) spend the 30 minutes on a project that is not my priority, even if on that particular day I’m working on other things. This way I keep working on projects that otherwise would be left aside. I may not be posting pictures or following along on Instagram, but thank you for the idea, and the motivation it shares.

    Best of luck for your 2019 goals. On the sewing related ones, I will also try to reduce my WIP list, but I don’t dare to set a number! It is still way tooo long. Let’s say, just keep ticking more boxes :-)

    Happy New Year!

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