Wallet “Grete”

Wallet "Grete" | mell-meyer.de

No. 9 of my Finish Along List for Q4 is finished! #thirdFinish

It took an eon but this wallet is finally finished. It has been on my bucket list for a while. The problem was me being afraid of the construction. Somehow the pattern seemed too complicated and illogical. But then Iva joined us at last years, 2017, retreat. She had done a few wallets already and promised to help me :)

Iva, thank you so much again! xo

Wallet "Grete" | mell-meyer.de

We started the sewing on the first retreat day but unfortunately I got sick. So the half-finished project, that rather felt like a half started project, moved into the never ending WIP list. And remained there for a bit. I was still afraid…

So when this year’s retreat came along, I decided to tackle this project. At least I would have some people by my side to “hold my hand” and push me through.

Thank you girls! xo

Wallet "Grete" | mell-meyer.de

Sadly I forgot the zipper pulls, so I had to stop at the point where they are supposed to go on.

I finally picked it up this week and I am happy with my first try. It is mostly perfect with a few… let’s not talk about the small imperfections, right?! I think it turned out pretty well. I love the Alison Glass print for the outside and the two others on the dividers.

Wallet "Grete" | mell-meyer.de

I think this project is a bit like a Sew Together Bag. It is so small but still includes a gazillion steps. Though they are not anything to be afraid of! The one step that sounded illogical, it was much easier than expected. Overall it takes time but it is doable. I am sure I will not make them in production line style but I might try another :)

Wallet "Grete" | mell-meyer.de
Collage of the Front and Back

If you are interested in sewing your own, you can find the pattern here. It is in German; no idea if it was ever translated to English.

So off I go to cross this WIP off my list and then move all my stuff from my old wallet to this new version. Tell me if you have ever sewn a wallet. Or which project to finish next. I am still avoiding the sashing on a quilt and the binding on the Ocean Waves… I am curious myself about what I might pick :)

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 Finished Projects (3)
 Sew Together Bag
 Wallet “Grete”

 New Projects (0)

 Refound UFOs (1)
 Pink HST Quilt

 On the FAL list (12)

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant @ From Bolt to Beauty
Q4 2018 Link Up @ She Can Quilt


  1. Congratulations on another finish!!! It looks great! I am really scared of “3D projects”, they always take me longer than expected -and those zippers!!!-. The “Sew together bag” is on my WIP list, and I do not foresee tackling it on the short term, and this would be the closest to a wallet I would have ever sewn. (I have sewn several bags, but I think it’s the small size of wallets which scares me the most… and working with metal zippers).

    And for what next… I really enjoy binding a quilt, so I might be a little biased on my opinion ;-)

  2. Half-finished or half-started? It is like the glass is half-full or half-empty, isn’t it? But in the end you finished it completely and it looks fabulous. I have never used a metal zipper and I am scared. What if the needle hits the zipper? I find bindings to be exciting because I know that the project is almost finished. I had to hand bind the Colorwash quilt and that took much longer than machine binding. I am working on a blue-green star quilt for my brother. Must finish before I leave for India in two weeks. YIKES!!! I love love love your wallet.
    Big Hugs to you!!!

  3. Congrats on making your list and checking it twice! Zippers aren’t as bad as their reputation ; ) The AG fabric is perfect for the outside and the two inner fabrics are the icing on the cake. One more thing under your belt!

  4. What a great wallet. I can understand your hesitation, but I’m glad you persisted and finished it! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2018 hosts!

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