Swoosh – My Ghost Family

Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de

No. 8 of my Finish Along List for Q1 is finished!

I have my first finish in 2019! But how to photograph it? It is currently grey outside and raining 24/7. And also there is no haunted house in sight… Thankfully the latter is not needed, this ghost family is rather friendly. So we invited a friend over and had a small swooshing party.

Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de

So let me introduce you to the funny lot. Some are a bit easier to get to know. I am quite certain that the light orange, hiking loving and the texty, well-read & wise couples are the grandparents.

And then there are six families: One with a farm and one with a beautiful flower garden. One loves baseball and the other is with the scouts or rangers. Another one is very crafty and the last extremely elegant. They all have either a son or a daughter. It’s a bit hard to tell – the swooshy language not that distinctive. Though I am certain that the tails have something to do with it…

Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de

And then there are the spooky aunts and uncles and the bright cousins. And believe me they all like to party and dance! Normally they just swoosh around in a relatively smooth up and down – but partying – the really love to dance and get way more active :)

Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de

And do they have energy! They outlasted me by far. My bedtime was way earlier.

Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de
Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de

And they are so nice! They let you sleep well – surrounded by their love – and they keep you warm. Let me show you a few more details about them.

Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de
Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de
Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de
Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de

Oh, and apparently ghosts can also be swishing and sloshing… but these ones are adamant that they are swooshing :)

So if you ever come to visit me, don’t be afraid of them. They might be a bit strange but they are very lovely!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant @ From Bolt to Beauty
Let’s Bee Social #257 @ Sew Fresh Quilts

I will link up at
Q1 2019 Link Up @ She Can Quilt


  1. Love the little ghosts. They do make a cute family. I love the back so much – it is a modern quilt in itself. But looks like your shiny shoes take the first prize. Oh no, it is your smile. Fabulous post, Mell!!! Hope the sum come out soon.

  2. I love the collection of gray, white, and orange fabrics you assembled for this project, Melanie! I have yet to quilt with organic wavy lines as you did here … It was the perfect quilting approach to convey the impression that this ghostly family is swooshing about. : )

  3. That’s quite a story that you’ve come up with! I have to smile a little bit because your shiny shoes sticking out of the quilt reminds me a little bit of the Wizard of Oz… just glad a house didn’t fall on you too ; )

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