Rubber Duckies

No. 13 of my Finish Along List for Q1 is finished!

Actually both Rubber Duckies mini quilts (commissions) for friends are finished. So I thought it would be nice to put them together in one blog post as I did not have the time in the Christmas chaos :)

The first one was finished and handed over on the 23rd of December to be gifted at Christmas. Last minute but I got it done :)

Rubber Duckies I |

Rubber Duckies I |

Thanks to some creative folding – the two tails showing. Because, well there is this Germany children song called “Alle meine Entchen” (aka all my little ducklings – there are you tube versions btw *lol) and I love how those tails give the duckies so much personality. I forgot that one background fabric piece in one version and it looked totally different.

Rubber Duckies I |

And here with a piece of the backing showing. I loved how the fabric design fit with the theme of the duckies fishing for food – with their tails shaking :)

This is the new blankie for a small boy. My friend picked the fabrics from my stash and we only ordered the blue/aqua Grunge background fabric.

And the second one was finished a few days ago.
This was No. 13 on my Finish Along List Q1.

This one is another friend and her soon to be born baby, due 20th of March. I am glad I managed to finish it before baby arrives. She does not want to know the baby’s gender so we picked gender neutral fabrics – also from my stash. Again just the background fabric was bought specifically for this project. It reminded me of the bath foam…

Rubber Duckies II |

This time “only” two duckies. But they will soon get some more decoration aka three hearts. I will applique them on. Unfortunately I did not do will on my first try so I have asked Allison @campbellsoupdiary for support. She is THE genius with starch applique so I think that should help.

Rubber Duckies II |

The quilting on both quilts is random, organic wavy lines done with my walking foot. A fast but yet fitting quilting design.

I really loved sewing those mini baby quilts. As they are small, they are fast finishes. And sewing duckies for a whole quilt might get tedious but this way I loved making them. Even with all those tiny pieces involved :)

The pattern is called Rubber Ducky by Irina Irenic @zephyrskies

This means I am halfway done with my One Monthly Goal (OMG) for February. Just one other project to finish :) I am making good headway with Whirly Girl and Plussquared so I am really optimistic. How are you doing?

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 Finished Projects (3)
 Ghost Quilt
 Oakshot Pillows
 Rubber Duckies II

 New Projects (0)

 Refound UFOs (0)

 On the FAL list (15)


  1. So sweet! I keep encountering these duckies — they’re clearly hard to resist and must be fun to paper-piece. I wish I had more cause to quilt for babies, though. Once you piece and quilt a baby quilt, you realize how much time a lap or bed quilt takes. (So. Much. Time!)

  2. The wavy line quilting is just perfect for this! one hot off the press for the deadline (expected) and one early?!?… what is the world coming to? ; ) both super cute… I’m sure they will be stuggled a lot!

  3. Ich habe mir das Pattern auch gekauft – Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Mal sehen, wann ich endlich dazu komme, so ein Entchen zu nähen. Deine beiden Quilts sind wunderschön geworden. Eine tolle Inspiration!

  4. I absolutely ADORE these little duckies! I’m hoping to maybe tackle my own duckie quilt once life calms down a little (Hahahaha)…. In the meantime, I am going to just drool over yours!

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