Leafy Quilt Sew Along — Week 6 — Upper and Lower Blocks

Leafy Quilt Sew Along | mellmeyer.de

Only the Upper and Lower Blocks left…

and then we get to sewing the top together. Are you as excited? Or do you need a push? Let us now if we should send you some extra motivation and virtual hugs.


This week’s progress

Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de

I did finish this weeks task but I also managed to make two mistakes. One you can already see in this picture. I think it is not that big a deal and I will leave it in. The other is a bit more hilarious…

Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de

… I carefully planned the fabric placements for all six blocks but when I put them up on the wall it looked like this. What?!

Yes, I managed to get confused with the Upper and Lower part. Apparently that day when I was cutting my brain thought Upper Block = high UP on my design wall and so on… So I cut the fabrics directly opposite of where I wanted them to end up. But can you believe that I managed to have the block exactly matching the neighboring block by accident on all SIX of them?!

Guess my layout is back to the drawing board :) The pink one is easy, I can just switch it. But the green leaves will take a bit more moving around. But I am sure it can be fixed. Just need to find the motivation.

Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de


My Instagram Highlights

A few highlights from the hashtag #leafyquiltsewalong on Instagram. Look around, like and comment!


Threaded Quilting Studio

Also I want to give a shout out to our sponsors. They are the ones that make the prizes for you at the end of the Sew Along possible. This week’s short profile:

Sponsor Logo Threaded Quilting Studio
I just noticed Threaded Quilting Studio a short while back but since then I can immediately spot the beautiful pictures in my Instagram feed. Jess is the person behind the scenes and she quilts computerized edge-to-edge designs; all modern, often geometric and all so gorgeous. She is very busy and often booked out but I think it is worth the wait. Just wished I lived closer so I could send her something :)

Don’t want to take my word for it? Go look at her Instagram page.

Besides that she offers pdf patterns, a few are even free – I especially love the “Modern Heart” one. And I think those patterns with “star” included in their names and the snowflake sampler are especially unique, modern interpretations.

Remember to post your progress with the hashtag #leafyquiltsewalong. And tag me @mellmeyer if you want to.

Oh, and let me take a second to tell you that I had a finish and posted about that yesterday: Wanta Fanta – Finished! I’d be very happy if you hopped over to take a peek and maybe even leave me a comment :)

See you next week!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

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