Whirly Girl – Finished!

Whirly Girl | mellmeyer.de

No. 2 of my Finish Along List for Q1 is finished!

Whirly Girl is a pattern by Allison @campbell_soup_diary. I started this quilt while testing for her. After a few hickups with the quilting thread – not the pattern – it is finally finished. Yeah!

Actually it was finished for quite a few days but I was waiting for good weather and an opportunity to take nice pictures. And today it finally arrived. Just in time to cross this project off before I write my new FAL list :)

Whirly Girl | mellmeyer.de

I arranged the flying geese in my design a bit differently so that there are purple sets swirling all over the top. But otherwise I stuck to the pattern idea. The blocks are built from simple elements and the partial seams (not y-seams) are easy to accomplish. No need at all to be afraid of them!

Whirly Girl | mellmeyer.de

The quilting is a simple grid.

Whirly Girl | mellmeyer.de

The backing is almost a quilt on it’s own. I used left over geese units that I had sewn before I had a real plan for the front :)

Whirly Girl | mellmeyer.de

It has no recipient yet, but I am sure I can find a home for it :)

Stay well!

Best wishes
xo Melanie


  1. I love the back even more than the front!!! The trees with pink flowers make such a lovely contrast for the pictures. I am sure you will have no problem finding a home for the Whirly Girl. She is bright and sure to bring joy wherever she goes.

  2. This turned out really great… I’m happy that’s we’ve had great photo weather too! It definitely doesn’t happen every day.

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