Progress Q2 and Proposed List of Finishes Q3

It is the end of the quarter and thus time to update the WIP list. I know, that the official FAL guidelines let you post a finish till about a week into the next quarter and the new list till about the middle of the first month, but this never made any sense to me so I am going to update my list in a “real” quarterly fashion from now on. And as nice as it is to win something through that link-up, that was never my main goal. I just love to keep track of everything :)

Q3 2020 FAL List |
This quarter? Two quilts with a lot of progress and four new projects

I can see how many WIPs I have fighting for my attention and how that number is progressing. Do I even remember all of them? Did I finish any projects? Or did I – as often – add more new ones? And I love to to take an honest look at the progress, because in my mind I totally mix it up. I often feel like I didn’t do enough. Am I the only one to burden myself with too high expectations? This quarterly list helps and so I love it!

Zero Finishes in Q2 2020

Finishes in the second quarter? None! I did not want to go back to older posts to see when this happend last – but it has been a while. And even after re-checking with the list and the IG feed, the result stays the same – this quarter I finished zero projects, not even a small, in between one.

It feels like I didn’t sew much; for sure didn’t post much on IG. Should I beat myself up about it? Of course not! So let’s rather look at which projects I did manage to advance :)


All my current WIPs

EADS Quilt | No. 1 – EADS Quilt
(since Q2/2018)

From 88 blocks to 165 and a fully planned king size layout.

"Good Wishes" |
No. 2 – “Good Wishes”
(since Q3/2017)
Plusquilt |
No. 3 – Plusquilt
(since Q1/2017)
"Four Patch" |
No. 4 – Four Patch Quilt
(since Q3/2018)
"Add Jewels" Meadowland No. 1 |
No. 5 – “Add Jewels”
All the Diagonals | mellmeyer.deNo. 6 – All the Diagonals
Charm Scrappy | mellmeyer.deNo. 7 – Charm Scrappy
Camden Road | mellmeyer.deNo. 8 – Camden Road
Rainbow Polygons | mellmeyer.deNo. 9 – Diagonals II
Tipsy Triangles | mellmeyer.deNo. 10 – Tipsy Triangles

From a few blocks to a finished quilt top.

Kite Tails | mellmeyer.deNo. 11 – Kite Tails

My bee quilt 2020. Almost all blocks collected from my busy bees.

Blue Scrap Slabs | mellmeyer.deNo. 12 – Blue Scraps

The #100daysproject was a bust but I managed two slabs and at least I have a plan now ;)

This quarter in short: I made good progress on mainly two projects but had no finishes. And even though I “dropped” a project because it didn’t feel right anymore, I now have the daunting number of 14 since I added four new ones. I guess I better get my finishing hat on again and do something about it :)

I hope that whatever your goal was, that you reached it and are happy with your sewing.

Stay well!
xo Melanie

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