Tipsy Triangles – Finished!

Tipsy Triangles |

No. 10 of my Finish Along List for Q3 is finished!

“Tipsy” – as this quilt is affectionately called – received a lot of attention last quarter and was thus one of the projects with a very high probability to be finished. And it is! Very happy about that. Finally a finish again, yeah!

Tipsy Triangles |

Tipsy was started to use up the cut of triangles from sewing my own pattern All the Diagonals in a rainbow version. I decided on using “only” the pink, purple and blueish (turquoise, teal, navy) scraps. What happens to the remaining ones like yellow & green is still to be decided.

But you sure wonder why the quilt is photographed on cow statues, right? Maybe you didn’t, but as I try to tell you something about Hamburg with every finish, here we go: The story starts with this once very famous mobile phone game called Pokémon :)

Of course I also wanted to try it out and for I while I played with “everyone”. And if you remember, you had to find poke stops and walk a lot… so one lunch break I decided to take a look at what was around the corner and happened to find these cows in a small park near to my work place.

Tipsy Triangles |

They are not very important or famous, but it was a fun thing to say to my colleagues when going on break: “I will take a walk to the cows.” We are right in the city, close to the airport and real cows are not a thing you can find around the corner ;)

In total there are four different wooden play structures.

Tipsy Triangles |

It is a tiny park in a not much frequented area, so this time I had a bit more trouble to find a quilt holder. One woman was kind enough to help and though the holding technique might not be perfect, it was a fun shoot. Her small girl hiding with her behind the quilt and giggling all the time when she was visible again when the quilt was lowered in between shots. A different version of hide and seek :)

Tipsy Triangles |

The backing is mainly one side of an Ikea duvet cover, that I cut apart. The other side has a different print design on it and will be added to my stash for backings. The cover was a touch too small so I added a big blue border from a solid I had on hand.

I am also totally in love with how the backing shows off the quilting design!

Tipsy Triangles |

The binding chosen, fits very well with the back and the lower part of the quilt but also does not clash with the pink. It is one of my favorite designs “corsage” by Alison Glass and from an older collection that I had a bigger piece of in my stash. So besides the duvet cover all fabrics used are either scraps or from stash.

Here are the “almost full shots” of front and back:

Tipsy Triangles |
Tipsy Triangles |

I feel like I am in a productive sewing mood and hope this flow will continue for a bit longer so I can finish another project or two from my way too long WIP list. Are you currently finishing things or adding more new WIPs?

Best wishes and stay well
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (14)

 Finished Projects (1)
 Tipsy Triangles

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (0)

I will also join the 2020 Finish Along via hashtag on Instagram.


  1. Oh my goodness – this is so much fun. I absolutely love the photoshoot.
    Oh yes, the quilt is darling too :-p I can see your very orderly thought process – pinks on the top and blue/turquoise in the lower part, exercising a whole lot of control about what goes where and why. Ooh the backing fabric is spectacular. Did it come like this or you pieced the corner with matching blue?
    I hope these cows will feature in future photoshoots too. So udderly cute!!!

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