“Add Adventure” aka Plusquilt — Finished!

"Add some Adventure" | mellmeyer.de
Elbe 1

No. 3 of my Finish Along List for Q3 is finished!

Here is my second finish from July that today got his final photoshoot: My Plusquilt that I decided to call “Add Adventure”.

At my small birthday cake eating party I grabbed the chance to show off my last two quilts (click here to see “Tipsy”). And some of the usual questions came up – including: What are you going to do with the quilts?

As I did not have recipients in mind, I told everyone that I will give them away, whenever I can find a loving home for them.

"Add some Adventure" | mellmeyer.de
Molenfeuer “Laterne Holtenau” (lighthouse Holtenau)

My Dad suddenly became very inquisitive. Most important was: How big is the quilt? It is actually fairly big – finishing at 67″ × 93″. He then asked if he could borrow it for a moment, because he would love to have it as a bedcover in his RV and he wanted to test the size. So he and his wife took the quilt down and tried it out and decided it fit nicely – especially for not having planned this.

I guess this was just meant to be, because normally he would not have had the RV with him, but due to Covid-19 the delivery of his new car was delayed and thus they had to take the RV to visit…

"Add some Adventure" | mellmeyer.de
Marine Screw Propeller

He directly wanted to take it with him, but unfortunately as I had not taken any pictures yet, that was not possible. He hoped that I could finish that part before his big fishing trip to Norway in the middle of August. And so I am very happy that we are having a few days of very warm and sunny weather here in Hamburg for once and that I was thus able to fulfill this wish. I will give it to him on Saturday – when we “christen” his new car that finally arrived ;)

This way the quilt will soon go on its first big trip and gather experiences!

"Add some Adventure" | mellmeyer.de

And can you believe that I had this photo shooting planned out already and that it is totally a coincidence that it fits so well with my Dad?

Growing up we always had a boat, we did some of the usual summer fun like water skiing but he mostly enjoyed going out to fish – and still does. I had picked the maritime setting with my usual Hamburg reference in mind, so I will call this whole thing divine intervention.

The pictures were taken in the HafenCity a fairly new district of Hamburg. Most of the “things” are exhibits of the “Internationales Maritimes Museum Hamburg” (International Maritime Museum Hamburg).

Elbe 1 is a landfall/approach buoy that from 2000-2004 helped marked the way from the Baltic Sea to Hamburg.

Laterne Holtenau was a ‘Molefeuer’. I couldn’t find a translation, but it relates to a small light house situated on the harbor wall either to mark the way into a harbor or a narrow ship passage. Until 1998 this lantern helped ships through the canal between the Baltic Sea and North Sea.

Marine Screw Propeller from the tanker Maaskerk measuring 6 meter in diameter and weighing 15.7 tons.

Störtebeker was reputed to be leader of a group of privateers (pirates) known as the Victual Brothers. But still a lot of the tales and legends are not confirmed my historical facts :)

"Add some Adventure" | mellmeyer.de

Speicherstadt (literally: ‘City of Warehouses’) an old warehouse district in the port of Hamburg – withing the Hafen City quarter. It is the largest warehouse district in the world where the buildings stand on timber-pile foundations, oak logs, in this particular case.

The district built from 1883 to 1927 was a a free zone to transfer goods without paying customs. As the first site in Hamburg, it was awarded the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site on 5th of July 2015.

Now I will take a minute to sew a label to the quilt and wrap it up for gifting on Saturday.

Best wishes and stay well
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (14)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Tipsy Triangles
 Add Adventure

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (0)

I will also join the 2020 Finish Along via hashtag on Instagram.


  1. When I saw your quilt I thought it was lovely, but I love it even more after hearing its story! SO COOL that your dad wanted it straight away and that it has some good travel ahead of it. Wonderful photos….rounds out the story so well. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love a blog post that makes me laugh! It’s so like a quilt blogger to be generous and give away a beautiful finish … after it’s been photographed! I love this quilt, and the story of your gifting it makes me love it all the more. : )

  3. Oh Mell, this quilt is so handsome, it just exudes testosterone. Combine that with the rugged setting against the propellor and barely covering the handsome bearded man…I am just blushing with admiration :-p I am in love with the picture on the bridge. If this quilt magically came to life I would be totally seduced by his deadly charms. He is Positively Gorgeous!!!

  4. I love a black and white quilt and you’ve taken it on a wonderful tour. I enjoy all your creative pictures. Thank you for linking up to Show Me Something!

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