Quilt Buzz Bingo #2

Quilt Buzz Bingo #2 | mellmeyer.de

Here is my August finish! I want to write it is the first, implying that I am expecting a second one as in July but that will not happen. So this month I will start more new projects than I finish :)

This quilt was not on my Finish Along List for Q3. It was a totally spontaneous creation when we learned that our colleague all of a sudden became a grandma – her daughter adopting a baby boy.

Quilt Buzz Bingo #2 | mellmeyer.de

I had just started on my first Quilt Buzz Bingo quilt and the pattern was so fun, that I decided to sew another set of blocks in various blue & turquoise fabrics. I picked twenty fabrics, cut enough of each for one block and then played a lot of mix and match :) The quilt top was assembled in a 4 × 5 layout without sashing.

Quilt Buzz Bingo #2 | mellmeyer.de

Now, meet Antje! Antje was a very famous walrus here in Hamburg and at least Northern Germany – maybe even further away. She was born 1976 and arrived as a baby in the zoo “Hagenbecks Tierpark”. In 1978 she became a TV star! A short sequence was filmed and broadcasted in between items on the television program of the NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk aka Northern German broadcasting service) – yes, there were still “breaks” in between the program at that time ;)

She was so well liked she became the company mascot and for a long time a part of the logo.[1]

Quilt Buzz Bingo #2 | mellmeyer.de

After a long life of 27 years – she became one of the three oldest documented walruses worldwide, she now lives on as a taxidermy in the “Zoologische Museum Hamburg” and amongst others as a fountain. The fountain called “Antje-Brunnen” was designed by Frijo Müller-Belecke. The bronze sculpture of Antje and the small boy normally spout water – thankfully not during the photoshoot.

Quilt Buzz Bingo #2 | mellmeyer.de

I was also told, that the pictures here tell their own story:

Once upon a time there appeared a strange new object in walrus land. “Ohhh, what is this? I like the color. It is all MINE!”, growled Antje. “And look how well it can warm my back. It is even double sided!”

“But what about me?”, a small voice chimed in. “I am a lot smaller and thinner than you. I could really use this for warmth!”

And then Antje graciously passed the quilt over to the small boy.

Quilt Buzz Bingo #2 | mellmeyer.de

Of course I labeled the quilt :)

Quilt Buzz Bingo #2 | mellmeyer.de
Quilt Buzz Bingo #2 | mellmeyer.de

And here are two more detail shots of the quilting. A simple and fun wavy design.

Have you been as successful as you wanted with your WIP list? Did you finish a lot of projects? Or did you start a few too many new ones ;)

Best wishes and stay well
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (14)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Tipsy Triangles
 Add Adventure

 Inbetween Finishes (1)
 Quilt Buzz Bingo #2

 New WIPs (2)
 Quilt Buzz Bingo #1


  1. Perfect quilt for a baby boy – bright and boyish. Love the photo-shoot. I watched the Antje movie on Youtube. Very cute. Hope you are doing well. Hugs to you, Mell. Stay safe.

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