Kite Tails — Finished!

Kite Tails |

No. 9 of my Finish Along List for Q4 is finished!

Kite Tails is my 2020 Bee Quilt. So most of the blocks were made my by lovely bee mates from Fleißige Bee’nchen and Quilty Circle of Bees. I am very happy with how well the blocks play together.

The goal was to sew with berry colored fabrics – from pink to raspberry to dark purple-y berrys like blackberries with added warm yellow. It is always an interesting challenge when working with so many different bee stashes, and so we also included some black. I think the result is a very modern but also more adult color scheme. Very happy!

Kite Tails |

Right from the beginning I knew where I wanted to photograph this quilt. I already told you about my beloved Alster and these pictures were again taken there. Though this time on the west side, precisely in the Alsterpark – the biggest green area around the Alster lake.

I have walked by the sculpture a few times and when I sewed the quilt and thought of kite tails, this statue directly popped into my head :)

Kite Tails |

The bronze statue is from 1663 by Gerhard Brandes titled “Drachensteigenlassende Kinder” (Children Flying Kites).

The extra pictures were also taken in the Alsterpark but without special relation to the quilt design ;)

Kite Tails |

I have no idea where this boulder came from, why it is there or who made this silver painted “sculpture”. But it looked fun!

Shortly wished I could jump really high, fly or simply have a ladder with me. How cool would it have been to have a picture sitting on the quilt on the rock?

Kite Tails |

Behind this tree is a small “pond” and a small bridge and some stone lanterns make it look Asian inspired.

You can also see well here that I did some simple – or should I rather say sophisticated – horizontal straight line quilting. The lines are 1.5″ apart, leaving the quilt with enough “cuddle” but also giving enough stability for everyday use.

Kite Tails |

When walking back you pass a pontoon, where the Alster steamers stop on their sightseeing tours.

Doesn’t my cape look very lovely? Totally feel like superwoman now ;)

Kite Tails |

And another maritime shot just because…

Kite Tails |

And before I forget to show you the backing: I used an Ikea duvet. Pieced just once in the middle.

Kite Tails |

All progress pictures and the detail information (pattern, size…) is available in the gallery.
PS: Hop over here to see a flying quilt ;)

Now I will go and wrap this quilt. I picked the color scheme simply because I liked it but shortly after decided it reminded me of a dear friend. Her kids already own two of my baby quilts and as she is a fierce champion of my work. It felt right to ask her if she wanted a quilt of her own :)

Best wishes and stay well
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (14)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Kite Tails

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (0)


  1. I remember that sculpture of the kids with the kites, as we walked along the Alster. It was a very windy day, just perfect for flying kites :-) Your cape is gorgeous and you are a superwoman!!! Making beautiful quilts is one of your superpowers; being an Instagram Expert is another :-) Beautiful quilt – love the design and the colors too. that back is a pleasant surprise. I must keep an eye out for Ikea’s Duvet covers :-) Stay safe. Sending squishy hugs from afar.

  2. Oh this turned out SO good! I’ve admired this pattern before and your bee did a beautiful job with it. I really enjoyed your photos too! ;-)

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