Progress Q1 and Proposed List of Finishes Q2

Collage for Q1 2021 |

Most of the first quarter went as “planned”.

free bee block pattern “Wonky Chevrons”
I started 2021 with the publishing of a (free) bee block pattern called Wonky Chevrons. I came up with the idea for this block when Christina @minerva_huhn asked me to contribute a design for newbie BEE germany. She publishes in general a new bee block once a month plus an additional designer block. Wonky Chevrons came to be because of this “blog hop”. Here are the links to the blog post and the pattern.
Charm Scrappy | mellmeyer.dethe finished “Charm Scrappy”
And I finally finished the Charm Scrappy quilt. Though this is my one and only finish this quarter. But I also released the (free) pattern which you can find here.

Another collaboration was with Friederike @piecestopatch for a String Quilt template. You can find my part aka the pdf file and the link to her blog post here.

Quilty Stars | mellmeyer.denew scrap project “Quilty Stars”
And during all that I also started to use up #mellmeyer_bluescraps as a quilting the countdown project. I started with a heart quilt made out of blue scrap slabs but as I needed to wait for background fabric, I switched to a new project “Quilty Stars”. A quilt I long desired to make :)
working on a new layout for “Four Patch”
Then I published a guest post on the German blog “Augensterns Welt” by Annette @augenstern_hd. The topic is “Let’s Finish Old Stuff” where every month guests talk about their UFOs. You can find the blog post here. While writing this post, I managed a lot of progress on my oldest project “Four Patch”.

Though the progress on the WIPs was not as impressive as hoped for, I am still happy! Let’s call it the teamwork quarter :)


All my current WIPs

EADS Quilt | No. 1 – EADS Quilt
(since Q2/2018)
"Good Wishes" |
No. 2 – “Good Wishes”
(since Q3/2017)
No. 3 – Four Patch Quilt
(since 2015)

Reinvented in 2018. Two baby quilt tops finished.

"Add Jewels" Meadowland No. 1 |
No. 4 – “Add Jewels”
All the Diagonals | mellmeyer.deNo. 5 – All the Diagonals
Rainbow Polygons | mellmeyer.deNo. 6 – Diagonals II
Blue Scrap Slabs | mellmeyer.deNo. 7 – Blue Scraps

Slabs for quilt one finished. Two backgrounds ordered.

Modern Tiles | No. 8 – Modern Tiles

Pattern release ~Q2/2021.
Started to sew the first blocks.

Chromosome | No. 9 – Chromosome
No. 10 – Wonky Chevrons

Link to Pattern

Quilty Stars | mellmeyer.deNo. 11 – Quilty Stars


Blank Square No. 12 – Little Kingdom
(not started)

A baby quilt for a dear friend expecting her second baby.

In short, I finished one project and added a new one. Also made a lot of other progress and had fun with a few collaborations. A good teamwork quarter :)

I hope that whatever your goal was, that you reached it and are happy with your sewing. Happy Easter!

Stay well,
xo Melanie


  1. Charm Scraps is a lovey finish. I really like the Blue scrappy Stars. Wishing you good luck on your new pattern. I could not join the pattern testers this time. I am sure you will receive great feedback and and some lovely quilt tops for your IG launch.

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