Four Patch — Finished!

Four Patch |

No. 3 of my Finish Along List for Q2 is finished!

These two Four Patch baby quilts were my oldest project – from at least 2015. I started them early on in my quilting adventure – actually I planned an Indian Orange Peel quilt. Unfortunately this design by Karen Stone – as beautiful as it is – does not lend itself as one of your first projects. Curves, FPP… need I say more? So the project went into a box and only got pulled out again in 2018 for the guest post “Bye, bye UFO” on Modern Cologne Quilters.

Four Patch |
Four Patch |

To get this UFO to the finish line I decided to cut up the huge four patches into smaller versions and extra squares. Then I used those extras to make more four patch units.

Four Patch |
Four Patch |

I added funky sashing and quilted them with a walking foot design. The binding is scrappy “rainbow” from what I had left of the solids used in each quilt.

Four Patch |

For their photography session I went to the Museumshafen Harburg. It was a very hot, sunny day and the view over the water/canals with a nice breeze was great :)

The port is out of service but was once used for transshipment, including container handling. They had their own railway connection and all the old equipment made for some fun pictures backdrops.

Four Patch |

Four Patch |
Four Patch |

Walked around a bit and I saw a few older boats but it was hard to get good shots there. But there are some beautiful ones on the website of the Museumshafen Harburg IG page.

Four Patch |

So this is my last minute finish before the quarterly deadline.

Are you happy with your progress in the second quarter? I made lots of progress – finished three projects and made some progress on others. But I also started a new one and am planning two others ;) More on that in the next blog post with the new FAL (Finish Along) – WIP list.

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (12)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Modern Tiles
 Quilty Stars
 Four Patch

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (1)
 Modern Tiles Sew Along

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant 135 @ From Bolt To Beauty


  1. Kathrin Klinger

    Ach Mel, du machst so wunderschöne Sachen!
    Die sind echt beide toll geworden
    Bin stolz drauf, einer deiner ersten Quillts zu haben und Linas ist auch so wunderschön!

  2. Congratulations on two darling finishes. I love the location pictures. And you met the quarterly deadline. Win, Win, Win!!!

  3. Vicki in MN

    These two quilts turned out so pretty. It was nice that you were able to turn a different design(that you had in mind) into these cuties!

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