
We are half way through the year already?! Looking back at the first half of 2021 I think it was still dominated by covid-19 but in general I am very happy with the last months. Every one of my family and friends is still healthy and a lot of us did get our (first) vaccination or are scheduled to receive it shortly.

And I am more upbeat about (and at) work than I have been for years. So yes, even without looking at how my goals went, I am truely grateful for how the first half of 2021 turned out.



My sewing goals for 2021

  • Tackle all those old WIPs from before 2021.
  • Get the unwilling WIP list down to 3-6 projects
  • Start a habit tracker for daily sewing
  • Start Instagram post planning

How did I do with my sewing goals for 2021?
I finished one very old WIP and one quilt from last year. I am still fighting with the WIP list about project numbers and have to admit, I totally forgot about starting a sewing habit tracker. Uups! The Instagram planning is a work in progress. Some weeks I am doing very well, others not so much ;)

Four Patch | mellmeyer.de
Four Patch
2015 project – the oldest one
Modern Tiles | mellmeyer.de
Modern Tiles
2020 project

The pattern goals for 2021

  • Publish “Wonky Chevrons” (planned for Januar, 15th)
  • Publish “Modern Tiles” (planned for first half of 2021)
  • Re-Publish “Charm Scrappy” as a pdf pattern
  • Publish another pattern in the second half

How did I do with my pattern goals for 2021?
I am definitely on track here. Wonky Chevrons is available as a free pattern in my shop as is Charm Scrappy. And Modern Tiles released a few weeks ago. We are just doing a Modern Tiles Sew Along which you can still join! We are only starting week 3 tomorrow.

The more crazy goals for 2021

  • Finally figure out how to write a regular newsletter.
  • Learn designing repeat patterns to draw a fabric collection – just for fun.

How did I do with my crazy goals for 2021?
I did learn a bit more about Illustrator during pattern designing. But I did not yet start any learning for the repeat patterns. But sending the regular newsletter is going ok! Currently there are a few more releases because of the Sew Along, but after I will go back to my monthly rhythm. Not getting it yet?

The personal growth goals for 2020
Let’s make it just one big one this year:

  • Finally get back to a normal weight and get into a fitter state.

How did I do with my personal growth goals for 2021?
Unfortunately a big “NO” so far. I had a bit of strengthening workouts in physical therapy, but since I have fallen of the wagon again. I am hoping I can get back on again, when I am fully vaccinated and it is easier and safer to go back to the gym. But eating sweets and being too lazy for workouts is still my kryptonite.

Excited to see what the second half of 2021 brings. Hope you are all happy with your progress so far! And thanks to Yvonne for reminding us of our goals so we can take stock and maybe redirect energy. Or just feel proud ;)

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
#2021MidYearCheckIn @ Quilting Jetgirl


  1. The mid year check in is really vital for me to make sure I’m still doing the things long term that I really want to be focused on, and I hope that you found it helpful, too. It sounds like you’ve made some great progress and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your year!

  2. Yay for all the progress on the pattern releases. The ‘fitness’ is an issue for alot of us, I think. Just keep thinking about it and hopefully the time/motivation will appear soon.

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