
Blakely |

No. 11 of my Finish Along List for Q4 is finished!

I offered to sew a baby quilt for a colleague’s second child. Both mom and child are well and as the quilt was finally gifted, I can show you the pictures of the finish :)

Guessing she would like a simple and modern aesthetic, I quickly decided on the Blakely pattern by Then Came June. The only change I made, was to add a small border – same width as the sashing. And I took the liberty to decide that the fabrics 1-7 are “groups” of a similar color. So if you look closely you can find a block or two where some fabrics are similar in color but not identical.

Blakely |

I used the old fabric collection Sphere by Zen Chic and an Essex Yard Dyed for the background. The backing is an up scaled block plus some extra stripes.

Blakely |

And though the binding stumped me for a while, in the end I came up with yellow for the binding and am very happy with how bright and happy it looks!

Blakely |

And then I went and took some pictures with the “company mascot”.

Blakely |

The little dinosaur is a music box toy we added for fun.

PS: The picture at the top of the post was taken right outside the bank branch we work in. The mural type decoration was added just a while back when the market place was modernized but unfortunately it has been “graphitied” quite a bit.

So happy to finally show you my second finish for this quarter. Wohoo!

If you want to see all the progress pictures or read more about fabrics, number of pieces or a quilt price calculation, hop over to the gallery page.

And while this week has a been a bit slower because I am down with a cold, I made some more progress last week on my two main November projects “All the Diagonals” and “Wonky Chevrons”.

I actually ran out of thread for the first and had to re-order some. Which did arrive and as soon as I feel better, I want to try out the 12 wt yellow. And I finished another Chevron block that I didn’t show you yet, which means I am at 8 of 12 finished blocks.

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (12)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Blue Hearts

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (1)
 Halloween Plaid-ish

Will link up at
Beauties Pageant @ From Bolt To Beauty
Favorite Finish Monthly @ Meadow Mist Designs


  1. This is such a lovely finish. It is so you – very modern and minimalist!!! The pictures are just awesome and I love the little dinosaur – perfect little model to show off the quilt!!!

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