Best of 2021

Best of 2021 |

Once again Cheryl @meadowmistdesigns and Yvonne @quiltingyetgirl are hosting their end of year reviews. This year I am dividing my Best of 2021 and the #2022PlanningParty.


Best Nine

This year I did not even manage to create an accurate collage with the top nine pictures or any information about the number of likes and so on. Was I looking in the wrong places? But I didn’t give up, I went through my feed and looked for pictures with many likes manually. And afterwards I looked for some other favorites and created the obligatory My Own Nine.

Best Nine |
Best Nine
My Own Nine |
My Own Nine

As usually there are quite a few duplicates in the “Best Nine”. In “My Own Nine” I included a few more of the in progress shots and two other finishes that I liked a lot and that had fun photo shoots.

Which means in total there are five finished quilts of 2021 selected. I will pick these for my Top Five of 2021!

Best of 2021

If you want to see all my finishes hop over to the gallery.

I would not manage this many projects without all your tips, support and encouragement. I really appreciate every like and comment! Thanks for all your quilty love!

Want to know more about my goals for 2022? Check out the #2022planningparty post.

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
Best of 2021 @ Meadow Mist Designs


  1. Love them all – each one for a different reason. Your work is beautiful, Mell.
    I wish you loads of creativity in the new year. Squishy hugs, Preeti.

  2. Such a productive year, congrats on all of the wonderful finishes! I love all of the fun bright colors in each of your favorite 5. Thanks for linking up and Happy New Year!

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