February & March Fabric Tracking 2022

Fabric Tracking - February & March Report | mellmeyer.de

Sorry, I totally forgot to post my February fabric tracking. So here are both months – February and March – in one post:


I have no idea where February went. I even forgot to post my tracking. Sorry! Well, it might have been a vacation with a big kitchen redo and all the before and after stuff coming with such a project. Starting with three days where I was not able to use much of my apartment at all, it developed into a week or so of figuring out where to put everything and what to discard because I have a little less storage space now. Then it was a family invite to “show off” the new kitchen which meant lots of cleaning beforehand and baking cake of course ;)

What I am wanting to say is that while February was great, I felt like I did no sewing at all.

And then there is the new fabric tracking: Currently I feel slightly naughty because I am ordering fabrics galore and starting projects left, right and center. And with a good chunk of February away from my sewing machine, I did not finish anything. I could conclude that fabric tracking for me is not working to reduce my stash, but I also know that there have been a few unusual factors. In January it was my big fabric splurge because I missed out on QuiltCon. February it was ordering a few fabrics I need for my new pattern.

I am also hampered by the way I set up my tracking: Only counting finished projects. Because since January – the start – I cut three projects from stash only.

Monthly Fabric Report “February”


Are we really one quarter into this new year? It feels like New Years was just a short while ago… Well, fabric tracking wise March went a lot better than January or February.

I bought no fabric and I finished a quilt! “Rainbow Fragments” used up around 7.37 yards. So the total number – while still high – is going down.

And then there was lots of progress on Patchwork Hearts where I finished the top and the backing. The full quilt will be from stash! And I am just shy of cutting for the Tesselation quilt for my sister. I should finish it in April though I am not sure I can manage that. And the third big fabric user is my pink-yellow speckled quilt top. A top just from Speckled (Ruby Star Society) fabric scraps I brought home with me from QuiltCon 2020 in Phoenix.

Monthly Fabric Report “March”

I am hopeful for April!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

1 Comment

  1. Things happen. Just remember you’ve got 9 more months! Sounds like April will be better – hoping that for both of us! ;-)

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