Elephant Walk — Finished!

Elephant Walk | mellmeyer.de

And this project was not even on my Finish Along List for Q4!

I still owe you the pictures of my finished Elephant Walk quilt. Baby girl was born on the 12th of November and surprisingly I did have the quilt finished on time. But the last weeks have been so busy that I did not manage to write a simple blog post…

My colleague, the father of this new little princess, wanted a quilt with elephants on them and a low-volume background similar to the Wonky Stars quilt I made for another colleague. This time I asked for quilt design opinions directly because I couldn’t figure out what his preferences were and better to have a little less surprise when receiving the quilt as that it is not well received.

Picking the fabrics after that input was easy enough :)

Elephant Walk | mellmeyer.de
Elephant Walk | mellmeyer.de

Cutting for the elephants was a bit intense. They had pieces labeled from A to N – in big and small. I forgot to take a picture but I think this part took the longest in the whole quilt-making process.

Elephant Walk | mellmeyer.de
Elephant Walk | mellmeyer.de

Sewing the hourglass blocks and netting the squares together – which I only do till the row stage and then work in single rows again ;) – was relaxed sewing.

For the quilting design, I decided on simple organic wavy lines going horizontally across. It reminded me of the wind in the savanna.

Elephant Walk | mellmeyer.de
Elephant Walk | mellmeyer.de

The backing is a print I had on hand for quite a while and this time it fits perfectly.

As usual for all the progress pictures and all the information including details of the quilt cost calculations see the post in the gallery.

Now I should head over to my sewing room and finally start on the next baby quilt for a colleague. Her baby boy was born two days ago and I haven’t even started. Ups!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (11)

 Finished Projects (0)

 Inbetween Finishes (1)
 Elephant Walk

 New WIPs (0)

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant 197 @ From Bolt To Beauty
Patchwork & Quilts #133 @ Quilting Patchwork Appliqué


  1. Such a lovely baby quilt! These elephants are cute, and I love the background. Le backing is perfect too, I’m sure the little one (and the father) are in love with it.
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!

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