November Report

Blog Posts

I just finally managed the blog post for Elephant Walk.


November was still a month with lots of “organizing” and “computer work”. I also had to give my sewing machine to the shop and though a friend was thankfully able to lend me her machine, I have to confess that I was fighting with that machine quite a bit and I am only able to sew FPP pieces. Simple foot and straight lines and all… I am soooo hoping to get my machine back soon! *fingers crossed*

I did make a lot of progress on my Spikes version:

Spikes |
Spikes |

Unfortunately, I will have to postpone the pattern release to January. The 8th or 15th of January will probably be the new release date!

There were uncertainties concerning the templates and of course, I only want to give out a pattern that is “perfect”. I want to re-test that “problem” (that might or might not be one) and hope you all understand and can wait a few weeks longer.

Fabric Tracking

Even if I did just post about Elephant Walk, I am counting it as a finish in November. It WAS finished and gifted then after all :)


The topic I am reading the most about – besides quilting – is minimalism. So I thought I will put my best reads from this month in here in case you are interested too :)

Personal Life

The first highlight is more work-life than personal-life related, but I had lots of fun decorating our company Christmas tree with a class of second graders. They always craft some ornaments and we all celebrate by decorating the tree together. I especially loved the little angels made from sheet music paper!

And my second highlight is my own advent calendar from the #mm_adventskalenderswap2022. I am enjoying the daily surprises – they always include a different tea and a handwritten note with lovely ideas for self-care. And of course some other fun things. I have already been blessed with awesome handsewn and handcrafted items!

I hope you enjoyed my recap of the month and the extra insides into what is happening over here.

Best wishes
xo Melanie

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