Progress Q4 and Proposed List of Finishes Q1

I posted my first Finish Along list in April 2015 when it was still a “big thing” and hosted on blogland. But even though it switched to @finishalong on Instagram and appears to have died out, I never looked back. I still post my WIP list here on the blog and in a short version on IG. For me it is a very necessary and thus awesome tool – to keep track, to stay motivated… to hopefully, finally reduce the – for me overwhelming – number of WIPs…


What I accomplished last quarter

I had no finishes last quarter but I made good progress on two projects: Spikes and Scrappy Pixel. You can read more about it in the December report. Back in October I also made progress on an on-hold project, that is now a finished quilt top: Throwing Stars. It is now back on the WIP list …

WIP List

All my current projects

EADS Quilt |
No. 1 – EADS Quilt
(since Q2/2018)

block connecting is ongoing

"Good Wishes" |
No. 2 – “Good Wishes”
(since Q3/2017)
"Add Jewels" Meadowland No. 1 |
No. 3 – “Add Jewels”
All the Diagonals | mellmeyer.deNo. 4 – All the Diagonals
Throwing Stars |
No. 5 – Throwing Stars

top finished

Tubes |
No. 6 – Tubes

No. 7 – Spikes

block connecting is ongoing

Halloween Plaid-ish |
No. 8 – Plaid-ish
Bright Sight No. 1 |
No. 9 – Bright Side I+II
Speckled "Pink" |
No. 10 – Pink Speckled

No. 11 – Scrappy Pixel

top finished

Frond |
No. 12 – Frond

top finished

I also have a few other projects that are to be sewn – either because they are promised or because I would like to. Some would fall into this quarter, but they are not started yet. The gift for my advent calendar swap partner, a Sew Together Bag – a toiletry bag, and maybe a new wallet for myself for QuiltCon? Or maybe finally the Hovea coat? Also I have a quilt class at said event, so I will need to start a new quilt. Uppps! And I have the feeling there will be a new baby quilt for family in the future ;)

WipsBGone Tracker from 2022 |
WipsBGone Tracker Oct/Nov 2022

Not looking so good for my goal to reduce WIPs but I am happy with my sewing and the projects. That has to count for something! Also, inspired by the WipsBGone tracking in Oct/Nov, I am now tracking “daily” sewing on a paper tracking sheet and I hope this will motivate me to be more consistent. We all know we can’t finish something if we are not working on it ;)

I hope that whatever your goal was, you reached it and are happy with your sewing. All the best for the next quarter.

Best wishes,
xo Melanie

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