January Report

Blog Posts


January was apparently about quilts in a cool colorway ;)

Frond | mellmeyer.de
Spikes | mellmeyer.de

First I finished Frond and gifted it to a colleague. And after, the rest of January was all about the pattern release of Spikes & Diamonds.

So I finished two “quilts” this month: Frond and Spikes. Placed in quotation marks because I am counting Spikes as finished even though it is “just” a quilt top. The metallic fabric looks awesome but for me does not scream: use me to cuddle under. So I know that I will use it as a wall decoration on my wooden frame only. I could of course also quilt it for the wall and maybe I will decide to do that later. But for now, this is my decision ;)

Fabric Tracking

Frond finished with 5.47 yards.
The Spikes top used up 8.98 yards.

I also placed my first order (11.06 yards) for fabric I will pick up at QuiltCon and ordered fabric (9.95 yards) for a class I will take there. So even though I used up quite a bit of fabric this month, I grew my stash. And I guess that trend will continue in February because I am seeing another big order in my future ;)

But the chance to buy the fabric for a lot less than here in German is just too good to pass up.


The topic I am reading the most about – besides quilting – is minimalism. So I thought I will put my best reads from this month in here in case you are interested too :)

The top articles for me was Five Reasons to Retire Often. I still remembered it without looking at my minimalism readlist and I did talk about it with colleagues.

The second thing I copied from an article was: “Understand the difference between making a living and making a life.” It falls in the same category but I could not find out again were I took the note from. Sorry.

Also an article to reflect upon was Why a Good Death Requires a Good Life.

But if you just want to understand yourself and your clutter habits a bit better, read How to Declutter More Effectively By Understanding 4 Personality Types. I am the “tidy” personality type according to this – in case you were wondering ;)

Personal Life

While January was a bit taxing – the broken arm and operation of my Mom and some medical decisions for myself, it also included some fun. An awesome boardgame evening at a friends, some prep-sewing for a QuiltCon coat with another sewist and a visit with my Mom at a Mexican restaurant we had been meaning to do for months. But I totally forgot to take any pictures. Uuups!

I also still manage to stick to my new eating routine. The first half of the month it was very hard, now it is getting a bit better again. Not a lot of weight loss but healthier nonetheless ;)

I hope you enjoyed my recap of the month and the extra insides into what is happening over here.

Best wishes
xo Melanie


  1. I remember meeting you at QuiltCon in 2020. I won’t be attending this year, as much a I want to. I broke my ankle in April and am well recuperated but wasn’t up to the hard surfaces for being on my feet all day. Good luck with your pattern…and have a blast at QuiltCon….I am pretty sure more fabric will be accumulated when you are there.

  2. I DID enjoy your update! Love your two quilt finishes. And hope you really have a great time at QC. Your fabric purchases totally make sense to me! ;-) And thanks for the reading suggestions!

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