April Report

Blog Posts


My main progress in April was on the Charade quilt:

A Big Handfull Of Chains
Love How They Look Like Streamers When Hung Up
Section 1
Section 2

I also started sewing my Tilted Tiles top together. Though not fully there yet.

Fabric Tracking

I made good progress on some projects but didn’t finish a quilt. I neither bought anything so a very boring report ;)


The topic I am reading the most about – besides quilting – is minimalism. So I thought I will put my best reads from this month in here in case you are interested too :)

And a few more articles not so directly about stuff but minimalism related topics:

Personal Life

Besides sewing, I spend a good portion of my time planning special events. My Mom will be celebrating her 70th birthday this year and we designed the invitations for two events – one for family, and one for friends. We also started to plan decoration and order table cloth and such. Also, my Dad is celebrating 20 years of marriage soon and my sister and I are coordinating the group present and some special porcelain decorations – which is the theme for this amount of years here in Germany.

I hope you enjoyed my recap of the month and the extra insides into what is happening over here.

Best wishes
xo Melanie


  1. Kathleen McCormick

    Your quilt is gorgeous and you do have a lot of planning and celebrating coming up. Some months are less exciting than others, April was certainly that way here.

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