
Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl decided to do quarterly check-ins this year instead of only one at the half-year mark. I love the idea because it is easy to lose sight of one’s goals with all of life happening. So this is a great reminder, an opportunity to course correct, or even a chance to write new goals ;)

I will keep it short and only comment on the changes since the last check-in. So let’s dive in!


Goal Setting

The goals in strong print are my main goals, followed by secondary aka additional goals.

Tackle all the WIPs with a starting date before 2021.
Get the unwilling WIP list down to 3-6 projects
Reduce fabric stash
Continue habit tracking for daily sewing

How did I do with my sewing goals for 2023 so far?

I started this year with 12 WIPs on my list which grew to 16 WIPs in Q1. I did a big finishing push the last two months and think I will end this quarter with my starting number. I am happy with this, though I did not focus on my old WIPs and I am not yet at a lower number than I started with. During Q2 I came up with the rule of not starting any new WIPs – which I followed. For the next quarter, I will change it to not starting a new project before I finish two others.

Tracking my sewing has died down – again. And I have come to the realization, that this has not helped with establishing more, shorter sewing sessions, neither has it helped me make progress. Thus this goal has been canceled.

This quarter also helped with the stash reduction but the shopping spree from QuiltCon will take a while to fully compensate ;)

Publish “Spikes & Diamonds” (January 2023)
Publish another pattern in the second half
Update all patterns to matching style…
Publish a special for newsletter subscribers
Host a sew-along for pattern releases

How did I do with my pattern goals for 2023 so far?
Nothing new to report here.

Host another Advent Calendar Swap
Host another Blog Advent Calendar

How did I do with my additional goals for 2023 so far?
These two are for Q4 :)

Get back to a normal weight.
Get into a fitter state.

How did I do with my personal goals for 2023 so far?

I have come to a plateau in terms of my weight. This is frustrating at times. But I am still happy that I am holding the weight loss and not regaining aka jojo-ing. I am also still sticking to my “no sweets/desserts” routine and am happy with this continued effort on healthier eating. Unfortunately, I still have not managed to incorporate more movement.

Overall it feels like the last three months went by a lot faster than the others. This might have been because of two, thankfully successful, operations that each resulted in about a week of recovery time on the couch. But it is empowering to see how much I can actually accomplish when I set my mind to it.

So in Q3 I will continue on my WIP reduction path and hopefully start on one of my pattern ideas after I am “allowed” to start a new project.

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
#2023QuiltingQ2CheckIn @ Quilting Jetgirl


  1. Kathleen McCormick

    So many of these goals are hard, but I like the progress you made. I think that limiting new starts until you finish 2 is a good plan. Healthy habits are hard, but I sometimes think conquering one thing at a time is huge, and maybe the next will follow. I am moving more, but still not enough, so I am with you on that. Good luck with quarter 3.

  2. I also felt like the last 3 months went by incredibly quickly but had my own nearly 1 month recovery to deal with. I’m glad that your operations were successful! I hope that you find these checking helpful and that you have a wonderful and productive next 3 months of the year!

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