All the Diagonals — Week 3 — Sew ¼ of the Blocks

I hope you had fun with your first blocks!

The prompt for this week is again to show off your sewing progress. Your goal is to sew about a ¼ of the blocks – which would be 10 or eleven each week if you want to divide as evenly as possible. But if you want to do a few more or less this week, do you! You know yourself and your schedule over the next weeks best.

This post is part of the All the Diagonals Sew Along! See all posts.


This week’s progress

I finished a few more blocks in my first week so I am down to 9 blocks. Also, a good number to take a picture off ;)

Tips & Tricks

Cake or Roof?
I already hinted at the tip for this week in last week’s post. And it might be totally logical to you, but I had a few people reach out about how to figure out where each fabric piece size goes. And I think the small (flat) and big triangles are not the problem ;)

If you are a very visual person, you can probably see easily that the cake triangle is symmetrical and that the roof one is not. For me that was always enough to differentiate the two.

So I planned to use a graphic explaining that symmetry, but… while sewing my blocks, I figured that this is overcomplicating everything. It is way easier – whoohoo!

There is no cake triangle in blocks with a big triangle. And if you have a block without a big triangle, piece no. 3 in sewing order is always the cake one. The others are all roofs.


My Instagram Highlights

I am still only finding the “same projects” on Instagram. Am I seeing all your beautiful works? Is Instagram hiding some? Please do remember to tag me directly @mellmeyer and leave a comment on the weekly Sew Along post. I looooooove to see your progress! And I am sure everyone else does too ;)

Now I am hoping to see more of your beautiful blocks pop up on Instagram. Remember to use the #mm_allthediagonals. Due to current changes with the hashtag feeds, please also tag me directly @mellmeyer. And leave a comment on the weekly Sew Along post on my feed so that everyone else can find you too!

See you next week!

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