Progress Q3 and Proposed List of Finishes Q4

I posted my first Finish Along list in April 2015 when it was still a “big thing” and hosted on blogland. But even though it switched to @finishalong on Instagram and appears to have died out, I never looked back. I still post my WIP list here on the blog and sometimes on IG. For me it is a very necessary and thus awesome tool – to keep track, to stay motivated… to hopefully, finally reduce the – for me overwhelming – number of WIPs…


What I accomplished last quarter

Considerung my current life 1.0 I am happy with my accomplishments. I did finish “only” one additional project in September, instead of my goal of two, but in total I finished three WIPs this quarter. With one new WIP, my First Light Diagonals from the Sew Along, I am still down by two and that is progress!

I also made a lot of progress on my Charade quilt. Totally not a priority, but I felt like it ;)

Throwing Stars
No. 5

Throwing Stars still needs its final photo shoot and blog post. But the last stitch was finished before October ;)

WIP List

All my current projects

No. 1 – EADS Quilt
(since Q2/2018)

No. 2 – “Good Wishes”
(since Q3/2017)

No. 3 – “Add Jewels”

No. 4 – All the Diagonals

No. 5 – Tubes

No. 6 – Plaid-ish

No. 7 – Bright Side I+II


I finished the bindings and attached one front

No. 8 – Tilted Tiles

No. 9 – Charade


blocks and layout redone. Connecting top has started.

No. 10 – More Diagonals


Sew Along

No. 11 – Sew Together Bag
(not started)

A more than long overdue project. The recipient either forgot about it or calls me names by now.

There is one other project that should happen in Q4: My Adventskalender Swap gift for my partner. And I hope this will be the year where I am on time *fingers crossed* I have not started yet, so if successful it will be an in-between finish.

In terms of sewing goals, I am fairly sure, I will not get my WIP list down to 6 nor tackle all the WIPs with a starting date before 2021.

But how about I hope and work for two finishes in Q4? That would put me in the single digits ;) What is your goal for Q4? Are you mainly working on Christmas gifts? Pushing down the WIP list?

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