Not counting today, there are only four more days and then the blog advent calendar starts! Isn’t that exciting?
I hope you will join us and open the daily advent calendar door. You will find instructions for a mystery quilt, giveaways, a new tutorial or maybe two, a special printable, and some extra Christmas fun.
The quilt will contain lots of stars in different sizes and the final layout will be the biggest surprise.
Today I want to give you some general information including fabric requirements, so you can prep and be ready. Also for those like me, there will be a “hidden” file with the non-mystery information.
Mystery Quilt Facts & Options
Have you ever done a pattern of mine? Then you already know that I love to give you options ;)
51×66 inches
2 fabrics/color groups
24 blocks or 36 blocks
blocks or full quilt top each
Mystery Quilt Fabrics
You must think in fabrics or fabric groups that have a lot of contrast. Otherwise, the design will get lost.
Want some ideas? How about a creme background with red and/or green for a Christmas feeling or navy blue for a background with yellow on top? You could also decide to do each block with a different fabric/color group. Then go a for calmer background like solid or low volume with little distractions. And keep in mind to have enough contrast! I would also advise to use non-directional prints.
I will be doing a low volume with red and green because it will fit with my other Christmas quilts ;)
Fabric Requirements:
3 ¼″ yards background
1 ¼″ yards stars
The biggest piece is 4 ¾″ and the background is a lot of 3 ½″ squares. So this is also a great option to raid your scraps ;)
Share Your Progress
I would love to see your progress so please use the #mm_startoss hashtag for that. Also please tag me. It is the only way you can be sure I will see your creations and that I can comment on your progress and cheer you on. If you are not on Instagram you can also email me ;)
Also, feel free to share this “I’m In” graphic in your stories or on your feed.

The only rule is that you have to keep the design completely to yourself to not spoil anyone else’s surprise.
> Click Here Only If You Want To See The Non-Mystery File
There are mock-ups of both versions as well as coloring pages included. I also added one of the color-explanation pages from the soon-to-follow pattern which will add even more options with three more layouts/quilt sizes.
Remember to please keep the design of the mystery quilt a secret!
So are you signed up for my daily advent calendar reminder so that you can check each door and collect all the quilt fun?
If you have any questions regarding the blog advent calendar or the mystery quilt you can email me or leave your question in a comment below.
I am looking forward to sewing with you!
Best wishes
xo Melanie
Liebe Melanie,
ich liebe ja Sterne und so ein Wonky Star Quilt ist eine tolle Sache.
Ich war ein wenig vorwitzig und habe mir das Mystery entzaubern lassen. Dafür bin ich allerdings wirklich überzeugt von dem Quilt und freue mich schon auf das Ergebnis.
Viele Grüße und viel Erfolg,
I don’t like mysteries because I don’t know if I’ll like the end result. Great that you’ve let us have a look at the end result and I love all those stars! Thank you!