I posted my first Finish Along list in April 2015 when it was still a “big thing” and hosted on blogland. But even though it switched to @finishalong on Instagram and appears to have died out, I never looked back. I still post my WIP list here on the blog and sometimes on IG. For me it is a very necessary and thus awesome tool – to keep track, to stay motivated… to hopefully, finally reduce the – for me overwhelming – number of WIPs…
What I accomplished last quarter
I finished three quilts. One was a set that I counted as one WIP on my list. So two checkmarks ;) I also managed to sew a pillow for my nephew.
I also had a few smaller finishes like coasters, a mug rug, and a One Hour Basket.
WIP List
All my current projects
Had I not spontaneously started two new projects, I would have been in the single digits. Alas, I am one WIP done from the start of 2023 to the end of 2023. I am hoping for a slightly higher decrease in WIPs in 2024! I am most likely to start with one or more of the ones from the collage.

No. 1 – EADS Quilt
(since Q2/2018)

No. 2 – “Good Wishes”
(since Q3/2017)

No. 3 – “Add Jewels”

No. 4 – All the Diagonals

No. 5 – Tubes

No. 6 – Plaid-ish

No. 7 – Tilted Tiles

No. 8 – More Diagonals
top complete

No. 9 – Star Toss I

No. 10 – Star Toss II
No. 11 – Sew Together Bag
(not started)
A more than long overdue project. The recipient either forgot about it or calls me names by now.
NEW: Quarterly Goal
I stated in my #2024quiltingplanningparty that I want to add a new quarterly goal to my list. So what will I pick for my first quarter of 2024?
An upcoming meeting with some relatives who have not seen my apartment yet has inspired me to pick said apartment as my first quarterly goal. For one I have quite a few things that still don’t have a home. So it is always “messy & chaotic”. Even if visitors don’t see it that way, it feels that way to me and that is most relevant. So I want to focus on finding a home for everything and if there is no space for it, then I will “find” a space either through new storage or most likely through decluttering somewhere.
Second I want to tackle the open projects like filling holes or shortening curtains. And then I want to focus on some decorative things. My EADS bed cover comes to mind. But I am also considering switching to move my big quilt frame to the bedroom and have a smaller more fitting one over the couch… The list goes on.
In short want to finally make it my cozy, colorful minimalist home.
I started collecting the to-do items yesterday and so far there are already 14 things on the list. Uuups… Most are multiple-step items and for quite a few I will need help. So I am not sure I can get all of them done. But the idea is to finish as many as possible and those that I still did not want to do even after putting my focus on them? I will declare to-do list bankruptcy on them and call it done! Let’s see how that goes ;)
I might be slightly overreaching with my current ideas but the start of a new year always makes me feel invincible. It feels fresh and that one can do anything one sets its mind to. Let’s hope reality will wait a bit before it sets in again.
I hope you have a good start and wish you the best with your first quarter!
Best wishes,
xo Melanie
Love seeing all your finishes and your to be finished projects. Lots of beauty in all of these. Good luck with the apartment. I am doing some mini reorganizing this week, before more comes from Massachusetts to Maine. Here’s hoping for you (and me) that there is a place for everything and everything having a place!
Great goals. I still post my WIPs and goals lists on my blog. Your quilts all look really good. Best wishes to accomplish a lot in 2025.