Baby Star Toss — Finished!

Star Toss |

No. 10 of my Finish Along List for Q1 is finished!

Please let me show you my latest finish. Though we have the middle of April by now, I am “counting” it for the first quarter as the new WIP list has not been published. My rules, right ;)

Star Toss |

And I have you all to thank for this baby quilt. I was so doubtful when I put all the “busy” (more or less depending on one’s interpretation) background squares on the design wall, that I asked on IG whether I should finish or dump this idea.

Star Toss |

And there was enormous feedback! ALL voting for a finish. Well, if there were nay-thinkers, they did not voice it ;) So I pushed along and finished the top and started on the quilting.

Star Toss |

Quilting a baby-size is always fun. So much easier to handle and finished soooo much faster ;)

Star Toss |

And just when I had finished all the diagonals, the need for a baby quilt came up. So I showed off the then “work in progress”. It was as well received as your feedback, resulting in this push to finish it fast.

Star Toss |

I tried something new for the binding: A decorative stitch from my Janome machine. I saw the idea on Instagram in a post by @caitlisledesigns. I figured it would take ages longer, but while of course slower than a straight stitch, it was still a fast finish.

I only switched to about half an inch of straight stitches for the corners. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of that part and the backside, but I am sure there will be a next time, and I might remember then…

I also tried some “matched” binding with the blue “scrap” pieces in the width of a background square size. You can see that best in the first two pictures.

Star Toss |

As usual for all the (progress) pictures and all the information including details of the quilt cost & fabric calculations see the post in the gallery.

Very happy, that the Instagram feedback pushed me to finish the quilt. And I hope the recipient who turned up “unexpectedly” will be as happy with his new cuddle buddy ;)


  1. Kathleen McCormick

    I love this quilt so much. I did keep the pattern so it may get made one day but for now, I am ooh-ing and ah-ing (how to spell that??) over your quilt. It is totally gorgeous!

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