Comeback Report

I have been recovering from mental health issues but I decided I want to be back here.

Since, some vacation days went by, July came, I had a flat on my car with the adjacent problems and am now almost recovered from a head cold. Is it ok to hope for a boring rest of July? ;)

WIP List

All my current projects

EADS Quilt |

No. 1 – EADS Quilt
(since Q2/2018)

"Good Wishes" |

No. 2 – “Good Wishes”
(since Q3/2017)

Meadowland |

No. 3 – “Add Jewels”


quilting started

All the Diagonals |

No. 4 – All the Diagonals

Blakely |

No. 5 – Tubes

No. 6 – Tilted Tiles

No. 7 – More Diagonals


quilting finished

Star Toss |

No. 8 – Star Toss I

No. 9 – Cabin Flowers


This might be the next pattern :)

No. 10 – Sew Together Bag
(not started)

A more than long overdue project. The recipient either forgot about it or calls me names by now.

quilting finished

Short Monthly Report

As I missed out on writing the monthly reports, here are a few short and sweet info from the last months.

Fabric Tracking

In January I finished some Glücksschweinchen (good luck pigs). I estimated I used about two charm squares each. In February I had a real finish: Halloween Plaid-ish. In April there was another finish: Baby Star Toss. I gifted two homemade Charm Packs and I ordered some fabrics.

Used Up:

0.2 yd.

Brought In:

0 yd.


-0.2 yd.

Year to Date:

-0.2 yd.

Used Up:

10.1 yd.

Brought In:

0 yd.


-10.1 yd.

Year to Date:

-10.21 yd.

Used Up:

5.14 yd.

Brought In:

8.86 yd.


+3.72 yd.

Year to Date:

-6.49 yd.


The topic I am reading the most about – besides quilting – is minimalism. It would have been overwhelming to put reads from all six months in here. So here you have two ;)

Personal Life

In January my Mom and I enjoyed a performance of the musical “Die Eisprinzessin” (aka Frozen).

In June my dad, his wife, and I visited a few Hamburg attractions. We regularly do something together instead of a birthday or Christmas gift. Time together is more special :) And they asked to see those sights that often only tourists visit.

Elphilharmony Plaza

* just a picture by the statue of a Hamburg Original called “Zitronenjette”. She stands at the base of the church Michel (St. Michaelis) where we were headed for a visit to the viewing platform 82 m up high. Forgot to take a picture up there ;)

In June I also used my vacation days to visit a quilt exhibit about an hour away from Hamburg. I had read about it on Instagram and wanted to use the chance to see a quilt I had long admired in real life.

Although it was small – if you have ever been to QuiltCon or another huge quilt exhibit – it was fun to have so many modern quilts displayed here in Germany!

Susan J Lapham Playland #14
Drew Steinbrecher Urabn Fabric No. 10
Sharon Robinson Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Sarah Pavllik I Hope to Have Something Clever to Say Right Before I Die


  1. Kathleen McCormick

    Oh, I am so glad you are back and I do hope for a calm July for you! Your travels look like fun and I am impressed that you are down fabric. Sometimes when I don’t sew, I buy….but right now I am sewing!

  2. I’m sorry you’ve been going through a rough time. XO And yes, I hope the rest of July is boring too!! Fun that you were able to see the modern quilt exhibit relatively close to home!

  3. Martha Mosher

    Melanie, I have missed your posts and emails. Life sometimes catches up with us and we need to re-evaluate. I know I am still trying to figure out where I am headed after my cancer diagnosis in July 2023 and months of chemotherapy that didn’t end until January 2024. The mental health aspect didn’t hit until chemo ended. Take care of yourself. Your trips and pictures look like things are going right again. Take time for yourself. We will be here when you are ready to share your wonderful work.

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