
Blog Advent Calendar & Mystery Quilt

As we are fast approaching the new year, let’s round up the mystery quilt along and blog advent calendar. I am considering if and how I want to do it again next year. Should it stay one event or be seperated into two?

I would love to do a new mystery quilt but is Christmas the right time to do a full quilt design? It would limit the design options to a more simpler design… but at another time it might “miss” the advent feeling…

My current ideas:
Option 1: Mystery Quilt in the blog advent calendar
Option 2: Mystery Quilt another time of year WITH extra advent calendar
Option 3: Mystery Quilt another time of year WITHOUT extra advent calendar
Option 4: Advent Calendar (other content)

And you can help me with some feedback.

And unless you are rating it a 10/10, there should be something that could be done better. I am sure from 100 people answering there will be almost as many different answers but that is what I am looking forward to. Maybe there is a trend? Maybe you have cool ideas I have not considered so far?

As with Santa Claus you can wish for anything. Though you might not receive everything with your presents ;)

I very much appreceate you taking the time to answer these questions!


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