WIP Wednesday: Aviatrix Medallion – Border 2

Finally some time for sewing again :)

So I grabbed my Aviatrix Medallion. With the deadline on the 13. of December and not the right materials for the Technoolorgalaxy (Skill Builder BOM) on hand, no doubt a good choice #Smile

WIP Wednesday: Aviatrix Medallion – Border 2 | mell-meyer.de

The center block and the first border had been finished and the blocks for border 2 had been lying around for quite a while as well. I was just a bit nervous concerning the connecting steps. What if it doesn’t add up… But it was a lot easier than anticipated. I hope it will remain this way with the next borders #PressingThumbs

Do you sometimes have those misconceptions as well – stuff that keeps you from starting, working on or finishing something – but it’s just in your head… normally it turns out all right?

WIP Wednesday: Aviatrix Medallion – Border 2 | mell-meyer.de

WIP Wednesday: Aviatrix Medallion – Border 2 | mell-meyer.de

WIP Wednesday: Aviatrix Medallion – Border 2 | mell-meyer.de

I really like it!

Linking up at WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced


  1. Oh, I’m so happy to see this come together – yeah! Looking forward to seeing this in October ; )

    I feel this way about any free motion quilting project that I take on. I know that straight line quilting is safer and doesn’t require as much concentration. I guess I should trust myself with this a little more… oh, well, maybe on the next quilt!

  2. Wow, this will be great!
    Starting is the hardest bit, once you’re working on a project, whether new or UFO, there is a flow. It sometimes is difficult to keep that going, when life takes over…

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