Progress Q4 and Proposed List of Finishes Q1

The last quarter of 2016 was productive. I finished two projects from my FAL list and one additional quilt that was not on the list.

Finished: Speedsign Quilt

Milas' Quilt aka the Murphy Quilt |

This quilt was No. 2 on my Q4 FAL list. I posted about it here.

Finished: Patterntesting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt

A New Tablerunner - Patterntesting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt |

This quilt was No. 1 on my Q4 FAL list. I posted about it here.

Finished: Starry Night

Starry Night |

This quilt was not on my Q4 FAL list. I posted about it here.

Besides those I worked a lot on my goal to finish a total of 12 charity quilts. Three were done and nine were on the list. I finished three more but haven’t yet blogged about them. That will follow with my catchup posts. I also finished three more tops.

2016 Quilty Review And A New Quilty Plan For 2017

I always knew that the plan to finish one charity quilt a month was really ambitious. Nonetheless I am a bit saddened that I did not manage to fulfill it at least for one year. In the end all the projects for other people last year burned me out. Mostly I was sewing with a deadline. Don’t get me wrong- last minute is my middle name, so I work hard to hopefully manage that deadline. But in doing so I always had to sew a specific project, make calculated decisions on what I should work on.

I already promised two more quilts. I am inclined to say unfortunately because I would really love to just have me-sewing-time right now. But I also like the recipients a lot and of course I won’t go back on my word.

I will finish my started charity quilts and sew those promised quilts. Maybe not with that strict a deadline? And I promise (to try) not to commit to other quilt projects. I am looking forward to this new idea of having a whole range of different me-projects to choose from and being able to just sew on what feels like the right project for the time. Almost no deadlines… flexibility and fun!

No. 1 – Promised Baby Quilt – Pink Stars

project collage "Pink Stars" |

inspiration from pinterest – lefttop rightbottom right

This quilt is for the baby girl of a friend. Deadline was the 25th of January, though it has been expedited. The girl was born on the 5th. So I will already be “late” and am considering taking it slowly?

BTW Promised Baby Quilt No. 2 is only due in July so I will not put it on this list now. Me sewing time first :)

No. 2 – Technocolorgalaxy (Skill Builder BOM)

Proposed List of Finishes "Technocolorgalaxy (Skill Builder BOM)" |

Since Q2 we do have all the tutorials, so I could finish it – ähh catch up. This project feels very daunting. Probably because I have not had it in my hands for a while. At least I have decided to finish it – as my Aviatrix quilt – with a frame to decorate my sewing room.

I want to get the fabrics associated with this projects back into my normal stash. I just can’t remember what is in those boxes.

No. 3 – Alison Glass – Ocean Waves Quilt

Proposed List of Finishes "AG Ocean Waves" |

I started this quilt in Q2 2016. 17 of the 48 blocks are finished so far. All the HSTs for both colorways are finished and trimmed. And in Q4 I mixed some more new HSTs from additional fabrics in there. And I cut all the background pieces so it is sorted and stacked for sewing when the mood hits.

I am considering having it longarm quilted with a computerized pantograph. I really love the work crinklelove does but shipping to and back from the US sounds daunting. I am still looking for a longarmer spezializing in computerized pantographs here in the EU. Anyone now someone?

No. 4 – Wanta Fanta Quilt

Proposed List of Finishes "Wanta Fanta" |
Originally I wanted to finish this quilt mainly through the bee blocks I received. I have now used most of my bee blocks for the raffle quilt so I will have to finish quite some more blocks to come even near a quilt top size :)

Q4 I cut the color pieces from new and old fabrics for the additional blocks. I still need to cut background pieces but then it is a pick it up and have some fun sewing minutes project as well.

No. 5 – Plusquilt

The layout inspiration is this. The color inspiration was this. And I have already bought the background fabric – my first grunge from basic grey – and received a lot of lovely white with black fabrics through the second round of #getyourquiltywishesgranded2.

I have started doing some math and might start cutting. Depending on mood :)

Bee Blocks

For motivational purposes I am keeping my bee blocks on this list, although they do not qualify for an official “Finish!” later :)

I recently posted about my latest bee blocks from Q4. I also joined a second bee: the #improvbee.

So currently I have instructions for all three month of the first quarter in the #improvbee and for January for the Quilty Circle of Bees.

I have a lot of other ideas for projects I would love to sew in 2017. Including some smaller items like a new wallet, a notebook sleeve, some pillow covers. But also many other quilt ideas.

Maybe I will put up a bucket or idea list? How do you keep track of your projects? Do you have a special list – do you differentiate between started and planned projects? Do you put everything in your FAL list or just a selection?

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at Finish Along 2017 @ She Can Quilt.


  1. You do such beautiful work! I’m in love with your Q4 finishes… and what you have coming up!
    I’m also struggling for a way to document all of this. I have a handwritten list of all my WIPs (and it’s horrifying) … but I need to be better about the WANT to dos. I like your idea of a bucket list! And in answer to your question… I only post a portion of my WIP list. I fell off the wagon last year, and hope to do better. But 8 things seems more possible than 28 things… at least to me!

  2. Your FAL Q1 list is the most colourful one I’ve seen! Stunning projects there, and if they are anything like your previous finishes, you are set for another successful quarter! Good luck, Jxo

  3. Pingback: Donation #1 – Six Quilts to Give Love To Preterm Babies

  4. Pingback: Progress on „Pink Stars“

  5. Pingback: Progress on „Double Geese“

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