2019/01: Monthly Check-In and Finished Oakshot Pillows

How time flies! The first month of the new year is already over. Am I the only one who thinks New Year was only a week ago? But even if my sense of time is totally off, let’s look back and see how the first month has gone sewing wise.

Three Days Late

One Monthly Goal

The goal was to finish two projects from my Finish Along List for Q1.

First project:
Swoosh - My Ghost Family | mell-meyer.de

You can read more about the quilt here.

Second project:
Oakshot Pillows | mell-meyer.de

No. 9 of my Finish Along List for Q1 is finished! Though for the OMG January it was three days late.

But I’d still call this month a success!


Sewing for my FAL list

Bee Block 2019 | mell-meyer.de
Besides finishing the two projects, I have been really productive. I designed and planned my Bee Quilt 2019 (No. 12).
Plussquared | mell-meyer.de
And I finished sewing all the blocks for Plussquared (No. 10).

Plus the pattern testing for Whirly Girl (No. 3) has begun.

Here are a few of my first sneak peaks :)

Whirly Girl | mell-meyer.de
A collage from my start a year ago…
Whirly Girl | mell-meyer.de
… and the first six blocks finished this January.

For February I will again make it my One Monthly Goal to finish TWO projects from my Finish Along List for Q1.

A good bet are Rubber Duckies II (No. 13) and the above mentioned Whirly Girl (No. 3). Rubber Duckies is a gift for a pregnant friend. I would love to hand it over soon so she can take the mini baby quilt with her to the hospital – she is due the middle of March so I better hurry. And the pattern testing for Whirly Girl will end 28th of February with at least a top – though I am hoping to have the whole quilt done by then.

But if not those there are a few more options on the list – from originally 15 projects there are still 13 left. I think that are enough options.

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 Finished Projects (2)
 Ghost Quilt
 Oakshot Pillows

 New Projects (0)

 Refound UFOs (0)

 On the FAL list (15)

Linking up at
One Monthly Goal – February Goal Setting @ Elmstreet Quilts


  1. You will be busy! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!

  2. I am sure you will finish Rubber Duckies before the baby comes :-)
    I am intrigued about Whirly Girl, especially because I see the bright yellow pops of color. Now I would call it fluorescent green but you probably say highlighter color :-p
    I wish you good luck in your projects, lots of creative ideas and tons of time to sew with no need for the seam ripper.

  3. wow… two finishes when it’s only supposed to be one? way to go! you are blogging and finishing so much now, it is hard for me to keep up! Yeah for both finishes… love the pillows!

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