Modern Tiles Sew Along — Week 3 — Sew ¼ of the Blocks

Modern Tiles Sew Along |

I hope you are having fun sewing your blocks!

This is the second week of block sewing – so by next Sunday we will be half way done with our blocks :)

The prompt for this week is of course to continue sewing and take a picture of your progress. You can pick however you divide your work… Just try to get to the half way line!

This post is part of the Modern Tiles Sew Along! See all posts.


This week’s progress

I already told you my plan last week, so there is not a lot of surprise there: I finished all the applique units. Now all the units are done and I will use the two remaining “block weeks” to sew them together.

If your worked in full blocks, then you should have a quarter finished from last week and your goal for this week is to finish enough to get to the half way point.

But if you are a bit behind, don’t worry! There will be plenty of time to catch-up. Which also means, that there is still a chance to jump in!

Another Pattern Correction

This one really pains me: I found another mistake in the pattern. Unfortunately the graphic of the block construction shows a different layout then my original pink-orange quilt.

Tester Layout
Pink-Orange Layout

The difference is in the bottom right unit.

You can of course arrange the nine units however you like best. You can even as Birgit showed, sew all blocks in different arrangements. But if you want to have exactly the layout from the pink-orange quilt, you might have to do some block surgery. And I am sooooooo sorry!

If you sewed them together as per pattern, you will have the look that most my pattern testers used in their quilts. So if you do not feel like unpicking. Maybe take another look at the tester parade and see which version works best for you.


My Instagram Highlights

A few highlights from the #ModernTilesSewAlong on Instagram. Look around, like and comment!

Also I want to give a shout out to our sponsors. They are the ones that make the prizes for you at the end of the Sew Along possible. This week’s short profile:



Quilt Pattern Mart is a digital pattern marketplace made by quilters for quilters. Our sellers offer high quality digital quilt patterns, and we make it easy to sort for pattern tested patterns or project sizes and much more. Quilts start here!

They also have a fun Instagram page and often highlight new patterns there or in their story. Sure an account you want to follow!

I hope you can forgive me my layout mistake and that you are nonetheless enjoying our Sew Along.

I love seeing your blocks and designs pop up in my Instagram feed. So remember to tag them with #ModernTilesSewAlong

See you next week!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

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