Tessellation — Finished!

Tessellation | mellmeyer.de

No. 9 of my Finish Along List for Q3 is finished!

Just in the nick of time – to count as a finish for Q3 but also for my sisters birthday – which is today – Happy Birthday Sis!

This quilt was actually planned as the welcoming gift for the new apartment. But the planning took longer than expected and I am not the fastest quilter – so here we are a few month late. But within a year is still a very good time frame for me.

Tessellation | mellmeyer.de

It is supposed to go over the headboard in the bedroom – but at today’s party it was suggested it would also look awesome in the living room. We will see where it will finally turn up ;)

Tessellation | mellmeyer.de
Tessellation | mellmeyer.de

This is a “normal” quilt just without the binding and then attached to a wooden frame. These pics are from before – front and back. Because it will be used as a wall quilt/canvas, a beautiful quilt back was not obligatory but in case she ever wanted it repurposed, I used the scraps to make a slab and then added some borders.

The fabric is a lucky find from Ikea. I bought it for another project (still in the “mind phase”) but then saw how well it would also fit with this project. As it is a duvet set and this quilt fairly small, I just cut up the additional pillow covers. Win, win!

Tessellation | mellmeyer.de
Tessellation | mellmeyer.de

Tessellation | mellmeyer.de

Tessellation | mellmeyer.de

A few close ups of the piecing and quilting. Thanks again to everyone who suggested quilt ideas and voted! This was the perfect choice and I would not have thought of it. xo

As usual for all the progress pictures and all the information including details of the quilt cost calculations see the post in the gallery.

I am now off to do another happy dance!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (13)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Community Outreach

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (0)

Linking up at
TGIFF @ Sarah Goer Quilts
Beauties Pageant 188 @ From Bolt To Beauty
Patchwork & Quilts #123 @ Quilting Patchwork Appliqué
Favorite Finish Monthly @ Meadowmist Design


  1. Tessellation is gorgeous! This is a beautiful birthday gift, I love the mix of colors and the creative quilting!
    Thank you for sharing this new finish, and linking up ;)

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