
I already did a mid-year-check-in, so I am commenting only on the changes since then.



Tackle all the WIPs with a starting date before 2021.
Get the unwilling WIP list down to 3-6 projects
Continue habit tracking for daily sewing
Figure out Instagram post planning


Goal Setting

  • Tackle all the WIPs with a starting date before 2021.
  • Get the unwilling WIP list down to 3-6 projects
  • Continue habit tracking for daily sewing
  • Reduce fabric stash

How did I do with my sewing goals for 2022?
Did yet again not work on the Instagram post-planning so I will take this year’s “failure” as a sign that it is not for me. I did a big push on my one long-term WIP EADS but did not manage to finish it. I restarted my habit tracking during the WipsBGone challenge and loved the color-in tracker. I designed one for next year and will see if that works better than the app that I always forget about.

Publish “Triangles” (planned for the first half of 2022)
Update all patterns to matching style…
Publish another pattern in the second half
Publish “Tubes” as a special for newsletter subscribers
Host a sew-along for pattern releases
  • Publish “Spikes & Diamonds” (January 2023)
  • Publish another pattern in the second half
  • Update all patterns to matching style…
  • Publish a special for newsletter subscribers
  • Host a sew-along for pattern releases

How did I do with my pattern goals for 2022?
Though scheduled for December, I didn’t manage to publish my next pattern yet – the final name Spikes & Diamonds. There were uncertainties concerning the templates and of course, I only want to give out a pattern that is “perfect”. I am re-testing that “problem” (that might or might not be one) and hope to release it in January. The finish line is in sight and I am so excited about the design!

Record Quilt Karussel Podcast
Reduce fabric stash
  • Host another Advent Calendar Swap
  • Host another Blog Advent Calendar

How did I do with my crazy goals for 2022?
The fabric tracking is still ongoing and besides that huge spurge at the beginning of the year, I was working from stash. Still in the positive numbers though, since I am only counting finishes and there have not been that many this year ;)

Finally get back to normal weight and get into a fitter state.
  • Get back to a normal weight.
  • Get into a fitter state.

How did I do with my personal growth goals for 2022?
I found a turnaround point in August and have since been constantly losing weight. I am down by 13 kilos (26 pounds) so far and back to my pre-covid Christmas weight. Yeah!!! Will stay on it and hope to get to a non-overweight size in 2023.

Thank you for staying with me. If you haven’t already, check out the “Best of 2022” post with all the yummy pictures!

Excited to see what 2023 brings. Have a great slide over and I hope you all have a wonderful New Year!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
2023 Planning Party @ Quilting Jetgirl


  1. It’s been a wonderfully creative year for you! I am so happy for you, though, about your weight loss! GOOD FOR YOU! I know that has to feel good! Congrats!

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