Frond — Finished!

This quilt was a fast finish! I was going to say it was a new quilt record, but when I looked at some other stats, I realized this was not even number two. But it was still very fast ;)

Some of that was due to the timetable. Baby boy No. 2 of my colleague was due on Christmas but decided to make an early appearance. I on the other hand was already behind and started this quilt only around New Year’s. So to get it ready for the first visit of the recipient to our workplace, I had to hurry on. But it is also a very fast block design for an FPP pattern!

I used batch piecing for the blocks and even tore out the paper when they were done. With the bias in the fabric, I had to be a bit careful when connecting the blocks, but I was still way faster than pulling the paper out of the seam allowance. And the block design is very forgiving. You have very few points to match. And those are only in the background – not that obvious if you do mess up ;)

The full quilt was done from stash! I used KonaCotton in Snow for the background and pulled various blues and greens from my print boxes. The binding was a bit more tricky. The fabric I had first decided on was unfortunately too small, but I looked around some more and found one blue fabric that was big enough for binding. The print is not necessarily a great binding print – all the imagery of jungle animals got lost, but I think the textured look still fits this quilt well and will be less sensitive than a solid print.

The backing is the second side of a duvet cover that I used on my “Tipsy” quilt. And serendipitously it fit so well with the colors of the quilt. It just begged to be used. And I love the funky bits left from big palm leaves that make this a very interesting design.

But how did this quilt start out? For me that is most often with an Illustration:

From Illustration
To Finished Quilt

The quilt layout is my own design. The pattern suggests a different arrangement for the baby size. But I was inspired to sew this quilt by this Pinterest picture and got stuck on the layout. Even with later realizing that it was just a double folded aka quarter of the full quilt design ;)

Now the quilt is wrapped and waiting in my office to be picked up. I hope the family will love it and use it often!

As usual for all the progress pictures and all the information including details of the quilt cost calculations see the post in the gallery.

Doing my celebratory happy dance over here. So if you need some movement after all the reading put on some music and do some dancing together with me ;)

I am also hoping that soon we will have the weather again for outdoor photoshoots with fun Hamburg stories. I am missing those…

Also there will be exciting news to share very soon. It is about Spikes & Diamonds my new pattern. So be sure to be signed up for my newsletter so you can’t miss it.

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant 202 @ From Bolt To Beauty
Patchwork & Quilts #138 @ Quilting Patchwork Appliqué

So far this quarter

On the FAL list (12)
Finished WIPs (1)
Extra Finishes (0)
New WIPs (0)


  1. Claudia Himmelberg McCarter

    I love the palm leaves on your quilt. Are they appliqué? Raw edge or turned?
    Such a beautiful quilt, front and back!

  2. Such a handsome finish. I love the colors, the fresh design and the overall look. I noticed how the binding does not encroach upon the points – I am so paranoid about that. The backing is absolutely perfect. In fact, if you have any slivers left, will you please save them for me? Big squishy hugs. Can hardly wait for Quiltcon.

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