July Report

Blog Posts

Unfortunately, I did not manage to write any blog posts in July. But I just announced in my newsletter that there will shortly be an “All the Diagonals Sew Along”. The blog post with all the details will follow in the next few days.

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As we are already a week into August, this is more of a July+ report cause I really just stitched the final seam on both of the finishes I am reporting here. But as I did not get around to writing this report earlier and most of the progress was done in July … I will count it there.

I am also counting them as finished although they are not truly – at least in my book. Wondering what I might mean? Well, the quilting portion is fully done and most define that as finished. But I normally only count a photographed and blogged quilt as such. I will add the blog posts soon.

Lots of excuses again… But hey, it is working with my path of reducing WIPs ;)

I can also report that Emanuela @ Quiltkarussel already sent back the two Bright Side quilts she offered to longarm quilt for me. And she did a terrific job! She chose two modern, jet totally different pantographs. Next, I will have to bury the threads and attach the binding. At least I have already settled on the binding fabrics.

Fabric Tracking

Whoohoo! Two finishes, one with over 1,000 pieces, did add up to quite some yardage. “Treasure Triangles” does account for 5.80 yards and Scrappy Pixel even adds another 8.94 yards. This was a huge step forward in getting my total down.

Used Up:

14.74 yd.

Brought In:

0 yd.


-14,74 yd.

Year to Date:

+17.47 yd.


The topic I am reading the most about – besides quilting – is minimalism. So I thought I would put my best reads from this month in here in case you are interested too :)

Personal Life

July was pretty cool! First, my new couch arrived. Yes, another big investment. But I was getting lots of back pain and I found a big trigger was probably my old couch. I had no back support at all. So I went couch hunting a few weeks ago and my choice finally arrived. Even in time to be admired by everyone at my birthday party. And yes, I really did change the quilt, so that it fit my rainbow theme better. This year it was “just a small” gathering. But 10-15 people in my living room and tiny kitchen for a potluck-style brunch was plenty ;) And it was such a great energy! Even my new nephew who arrived a bit early in the first days of July was able to attend. A short hospital scare had us all anxious. But all is well now!

I hope you enjoyed my recap of the month and the extra insides into what is happening over here.

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