Block 1

My inspiration for block 1 is one of the many beach theme options. I found the picture in my google search but can’t find the original article. But I have linked directly to the image.
I had lots of other beach themed ideas pinned as options but with being quite late to the bee party, some of them where already “used”. And with so many options, I picked a new one for a more diverse bee quilt.
Block 2
My inspiration for block 2 is the “Miami Mountain”. It somehow popped up on my google search for Miami pictures and I immediately liked it.

“Even if you don’t enjoy eating colorful candy marzipan, it’s hard to argue with viewing monumental art that looks like it. Built in 2016 by the Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone, the 42-foot-tall Miami Mountain consists of five bright boulders that sit atop one another just feet from A1A in Collins Park. The sculpture is like a huge, delicious treat for all of South Beach. Rondinone recently installed seven of these sculptures in the desert outside Las Vegas, but those are planned to be there for only two years, while Miami’s stack of stones is part of the Bass museum’s permanent collection and will sit in place for the long haul.” [4]
Another fun article is this one and the original website here.
Besides the instant connection, I love that it lookes different from every direction. If you click through the different pages and pictures you see that the stones take on different shapes from whereever you look.
Name: Miami
Working Title: #improvbee Q3/2017
Due Date: 30th of September 2017
Completed: 26th of November 2017
Bee: #improvbee (Round I)
Queen Bee: Christine @lopolokko
Theme: Miami
Color Scheme: blocks must have at least one (or many) of these colors as background: blue,sand or white, any shades.
the “subject” have to be bright and colourful : orange, yellow, pink, turquoise are welcome …
Technique and “form”: Any! but no appliqué