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Working Title: Gemstone Tumbler
Started: 4th of October 2018
Due Date: 20th of March 2019
Completed: 3rd of June 2019
Days till completion: 243
Inspiration & Pattern: This IG Post of the Gemstone Tumbler pattern by Emma Jean Janson
Technique: fpp (foundation paper piecing)
Fabrics: 41
8 color groups, five fabrics in each group (40) plus Kona white
Fabric Designers: Elizabeth Hartman, Lizzy House, Tula Pink, Alison Glass, Rebecca Bryan (among others)
Quilting Design: Walking foot quilting, mostly in straight lines (see diagram above)
Binding: by machine
Size: approx. 60 inches square (150×150 cm)
Block Size: 10.0″ finished
Different Block Designs: 1
Blocks: 36
Units per Block: 18
Pieces: 648
Final post about this quilt: “Precious” aka Gemstone Tumbler
You can find out more about my progress and process there.
Costs are calculated via my Quilt Price Calculator: Factors are the size & pieces mentioned above, the presets for a baby quilt, and an offcut of 20% (offcut was higher than for normal precision piecing but relatively small for FPP) plus 9€ in extras (pattern).
Costs for Fabric:
Costs for Notions:
122.21 €
41.91 €
164.12 €
Sales Prices
Family & Friends:
Factor 2
328.24 €
Quilt Price:
Factor 3
492.36 €