Click on any image to see all pictures in full | as a slideshow.
some of the pictures may be from Instagram or progress shots
Participants: 8
Heidi Burkhardt (@libellenquilts)
Ines Hilsberg (@naezimmerplaudereien)
Andrea Kollath (@quiltmanufaktur)
Sandra Lindner (@hohenbrunnerquilterin | @hohenbrunnerquilterin2.0)
Christa Link (@mrs_schnuff)
Verena Marten (@huzelbuzz)
Alexandra Pilz (@hexenweib)
Melanie Meyer (@mellmeyer)
Started: 17th of July 2019
Due Date: 9th of February 2020 (arrival in the US collection center)
Completed: 26th of December 2019 (my part)
Pattern:original design
Technique: FPP (foundation paper piecing) and traditional piecing
Fabrics: 9
(6) black fabrics, (2) greys ‘Overcast’ and ‘Graphite’ by KonaCotton and (1) white ‘Essex Yard Dyed Metallic Crystal’
Quilting Design: straight lines plus the kindness symbol
Binding: facing will follow
Size: approx. 65×85 inches (165×216 cm)
Link(s) to post(s) where this quilt was mentioned: 2020 QuiltCon Charity Challenge. You can find out more about my progress and process in these. And you can also find a few more pictures from other participants on IG #GermanModernQuilters.