Poolside Tote

Shortly before my vacation, I whipped up a Poolside Tote . Here are some pictures of it in its right setting.

Poolside Tote | mell-meyer.de

I took the liberty and divided the main panel and the zipper pocket exterior into two fabrics. For the bottom part I used a “waxed” fabric. I hope this will help keeping my stuff dry. I would say it is really more like “waxed” though I have never seen and touched a laminated fabric. My fabric is quite mate so I am not sure if it is a real laminate. But you could probably use one of those as well.

The bag is really huge and practical for the big pool towel and the other stuff I carry around to sunbath.

Poolside Tote | mell-meyer.de/2015/20150603_001.JPG” alt=”” />

It is the first bag I have ever sewn. The instructions were easy to follow though I definitely advise reading them at least twice before starting. Although I am quite happy with how it turned out, it was a bit tedious to wrangle all the stiff layers, avoiding being picked by a pin and quite expensive. I think, I rather sew a quilt. So this might have been my one and only bag. But I am glad, I tried it out – it’s another thing to scratch of my to-do list.

Poolside Tote | mell-meyer.de

Linking up at WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced


  1. This is a really lovely bag! I have to admit, I’m the exact same: I rather sew a quilt than a bag! All these tedious seams and pieces you have to sew together where it seems as though this is not going anywhere… until you turn it inside out and then: tadaaa, there’s you bag. Even though this could only be an afternoon sewing session and you have a quick result it’s not as satisfying for me either. But there are so many beautiful bags out there, so I might give it another try, because it’s nice to have a unique self made bag!

  2. Hey Mell, I didn’t get a chance to comment on this earlier, but I wanted you to know that really like your end result. Great fabric choices and a really smart idea to finish the purse with a laminate bottom. Well, you never know how things might turn out, but after you knock out a few more quilts, you may find yourself coming back to another purse.


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